5. Work.

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Kiara's pov

Rachel came to me and said that miss Roberts wanted to see me yea so basically I went inside without knocking the door. I usually knock doors. But I don't know what happened that time. Then she was firing at me. Honestly I became so scared .but a part of me was wondering how hot is she, when she gets that angry.. Jesus this women is causing multiple emotions inside me . I can't even control my thoughts when I am facing her . She was really beautiful even though she was firing at me I was admiring her. I wish I was like her intimidating powerful feisty. But what to do I am just a stupid one..I even stared at her for more than a couple of minutes..I was brought back to attention when she said "are you listening". "Yes ma'am .I slutterd . Everything was good until she gave me the work .a 100 projects may be this is how American companies work maybe they have to check 100s of programs a day may be this was not just a big deal I sighed myself and started doing my work. But my mind was still in her cabin . How her eyes looked when she is stating something important. How her Lucius lips turn when she commands order's. Oh god she is so sexy . But she just hates me and I don't know why.

Not just her I think the whole office was like her they were all working, and they don't even waved a hand or smiled at me . Considering this is my first day nobody even greeted me . All I got was an annoying welcome from the devil itself.

But you know I am tolerant. Infact very much I won't let surroundings affect me . If they don't want to acknowledge me, I am ok with it. But I will be available for them even though they don't talk to me . We must be nice to everyone even though they're not to us. I mean not to persons who hurt us. We don't know when is our last day , last smile, nor we don't know when is our dear ones..so for me we must not keep grudges.

The I st project itself was making me crazy there was a lot of errors in the I st page of codes. I was becoming annoyed when I heard the clicking of heels I looked up saw miss Roberts leaving her cabin . Upon close view I saw a smirk on her face . From that look I get that she understood my situation and was really satisfied. God I hate this women.,But she is still beautiful. I never had this kind of double thoughts with any girl or any boy. She never left my mind since I met her don't know why, but she is still there in the corner of my mind . Am I attracted to her or is it just me who's getting jealous of a successful woman. Maybe it's just me who wants to become like her.

Anyways I just completed one project cleared all the errors but still the project was not up to the match. Then I looked at the clock that's when o realized I have done only one file in half an hour. I am no way going to complete this work today. OMG 😱 is she doing this to fire me directly I st day of my job .

Be calm Kiara there is a solution for everything. I mumbled some prayer and look into the next one I just checked the first page as I expected it was full of errors, I checked almost every first pages .yea they were all full of errors . Then I realized that I was not a fool. I may appear stupid but I know I am not. Back in india I found a program that will automatically correct errors in source codes all I have to do is to scan this projects so that I can get corrected programs and their running results.

I quickly made that set up to my system. Success. It was completely installed. I checked one of my projects yea the errors were all cleared and I also got running results so that I don't have to go through the programs to find what it's about. All I have to do was 2 clicks one for scanning one to print. Next half an hour I completed my 20 projects. Now I smirked myself. Miss bitchy was returning to office with not a good expression on his face which means something bad happened in meeting or whatever she came with same expression as she had on my interview day. Rachel was behind her . I think Rachel is a nice woman she is the only one who acknowledged me . So I stood up and asked her what happened. She told me the companies profit just reduced to 60 Percent. I mean that's pretty good well In india . I mean we only earned 20 -30 percent profit only. Well this is a big company and here profit is not just lakhs or crores. It's millions and billions. And what exactly is the reason for that I asked out of curiosity.

" Well a unique idea of our great project got leaked or was stolen and the Richard industries used it for their gain . We worked on the project for months and it got stolen in last month". She is more annoyed that Richards profit level is .5 percent above us .This is happening first time in history.

" Wait what a project was stolen.. I was confused how exactly! . it's between the boss and project managers and higher board members even some employee won't even know about a project.

"Yea she was betrayed by her ex project manager . and you're hired in the same position.."oh!"now I get why she is upset with me. "And he was an Indian. "Yikes! Now it hit me that's why she is annoyed with me .she thought I was like her ex manager. Well every indians are not the same. Now I feel pity about her I mean she works really hard.

At the age of 27 being a billionaire is just so hard. I sighed and checked the program results it was noon I have completed 60 files and the results of all of them are mere average. But some of them were good but feel incomplete. So I got 10 out of it . I mean the 10 of them individually was not good but if you join it you must get an average project at least I can point it out to her. It was 1 o clock mean I have to take lunch. And it's available in common cafeteria. I went down to the cafeteria it was really fancy and big.

"Hey I turned around and saw Sara .As I have mentioned earlier about a one-week online training program she was also there . Anyways she is working in other department, but we both were in same branch I mean all other employees were from other branches that's not situated in LA. So in case if she misses some part of training or notes she texted me and we were in touch . She is quite nice, and she's half Indian to I mean her mother is an Indian and her father is an American. She is familiar with lot of my situation s.

"Hey how was your first day I asked. Well not that bad she smiled my colleagues are really nice. She is beautiful , she looked more like an American. "You seem Lonely me and my friends are having lunch there you can join. I was more than happy at least I don't have to eat lunch alone . Thank you so much I almost hugged her I don't know why may because my colleagues were ignorant and I very much-needed a friend. "Hey she smiled don't be sad I have heard your department has most shitty CEO and I know it's depressing. I may not be there in your work hours, but we can still have lunch together, and we can be friends. She patted my back .

I was more than happy . I feel like I was going to cry. Anyways I don't. I mean it means a lot to me if someone cares about me. I went along with her and her friends they all were really nice. Sadly lunch ended fast. And I was back to work. The same girl gang I waved earlier was also their in the cafeteria they all were laughing and smiling in there , at least they could have invited me I thought. I took a deep breath. Don't be sad Kiara at least you got some new friends. I finished my work in 3 o clock . I took an extra half an hour to recheck and arranged the best programs.

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