35.best employee

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Kiara's pov

WTF just happened.

Truth to be told i don't even know the answer. One minute we are arguing next minute we are making out. But what does it mean. Is kissing someone is the way to shut them up ,is it American culture or something because i am definitely sure there's no such technique in my country.

I don't understand why she kissed me, and I don't understand why i kissed back , because you liked the kiss silly, lookslike my mind knows .yea and my answer is simple but what about her
She told me she was disgusted by my kiss and she kisses like she was desperate for my kiss.

Man !! This women are all fucking confusing no wonder why guys are complaing.

We didn't talk about it, we ignored each other like plague. I was busy creating project and she was out most of the night, yea probably fucking her boyfriend.

Should I ask her , no that would be weird. This is all fun games for her.

Whatever my focus was over my project since I have to build a second one . Well it's reaching the deadline and Linda still haven't stealed anything .

Finally the last day of submission arrived i submitted my work. But Linda still doesn't took anything from my computer, did she made her project, did someone else helped her , was she stealing someone else's project, all these questions loomed in my head. i  hacked her system and checked it , no she hasn't submitted anything. I was panicking what's she going to do she can't afford to loose this job . So I did it, i submitted it from my system by hacking her profile now her slot is complete . Idk what's going to happen.

Few days passed a big confrence meeting with high chairpersons and dignitaries along with my bitchyboss wife as head is deciding to reward the best project as well as  to appreciate the one who created it.

There was a bright smile on Eliana's face lookslike she was really happy announcing the results

"First of all, this idea is all new and really creative, i think this one's really brilliant than any project that we've ever had, I've been blessed to have such talents in my office, implementing this project will ooze our profit rate. This is all amazing and Linda you're an amazing women. I am so grateful that you're working in my company. You're the best . Eliana's face was bright, to be frank ik she really appreciate hardworking women, well not me anyways, even though it's directly not to me . I was enjoying every bit of it . it's so satisfying, i was in total bliss. Well the reaction of Linda was most surprising, her head was almost low when she entered the meeting. I am pretty sure she believed she was getting fired. When Eliana announced her name she was like..but  .i did ...
Was cutt of by Eliana and other dignitaries by appreciating her. She will not say anything right she will not embarass herself  .she shaked her hands in confusion unsure of what's happening. Then Eliana was explaining the project everyone's face including Linda's was in awe . Everyone was looking at Linda with admiration, jealousy idk. She was looking surprised . Honestly  my mind was dancing inside i felt really happy. 

..thank God Eliana presented it . If she's ask Linda to present it then it's truly game over i sighed , everything ended the way as i planned.

I have been frequently visiting Catherine, i often went with her to the hospital. She was more comfortable with me than her own daughter that's really heartwarming though .we also meet up Cynthia .well she seemed tired but still  fighting, and trying to be  positive . She's quite nice and we bonded. and for the records i am a mini singer, not a professional one but I can sing . We bonded over that fact to ..i always sing songs for her everytime I visit and she always appreciated me. Funny fact is that she still doesn't know my real name which i assume is a good thing.
Since I don't want Linda to find out.well i like the name pumpkin than my original, i like both of them calling me pumpkin.

Eliana's pov

The projects were all really good lookslike my employees has done a marvelous job . Linda's was the best idea. Well even though I can't deny that my wife's project was also amazing, may be second best, one thing i admire about her is that her codes are so simple,even Linda's codes were not precise as her . Linda's idea was good but it took a lot of time to understand.

Do i have to appreciate her, no my ego is far more high, lately i am a mess too the kiss, what am gonna do if she ask me about it, i am pretty unsure about the answer, do i like her...oh no this isn't real , where is these thoughts coming from. I thought it will go away after meeting Adam. But she's still in my mind. NGL the sex lyf is good, the only time I feel connected to Adam is while having sex . Sometimes her thoughts even intervene blw them too. What is this girl doing to me.

John called, the trials is going to begin within 1 or 2 weeks. Which means i have to do something. Pretty sure my lawyer is good. Plus the support from my employees and that Lauren girl  is with me still. I have one more week to do something, something to promote cultural diversity. A fashion show, a party, many ideas are popping up.

Well a party would be nice since they all have worked this hard ,and it will be a great opportunity for everyone working in this company belonging to different nation, culture, traditions. It will also helps one to understand and appreciate other cultures.

I 've discussed it with Rachel, she said it was a brilliant plan. So i arranged the party, everyone was asked to wear something that represents their culture as well as one can wear whichever culture they like the most.
This will be fun ...i am just curious about my wife ,what's she gonna wear..

My thoughts got interrupted by dad's call honestly it was surprising he never used to call me . I was the one who called him seeking advices,
Hai dad"

How are you my daughter

Good dad, actually great

How's your wife ? Well it's odd to listen to that question ofcourse i have mentioned him about my marriage with an Indian girl,he knew it's a contract  for my trials and he knew I also have a boyfriend...then why

Idk i think she's fine.

Lia She's sweet you must take care of her she's your wife

Great now my dad also siding her, truth to be told He  has never seen her. all that he has is a picture of us together on the wedding day. How did he knew that my wife's sweet, well she actually is, shit My brain is not clear these days.anyways it's not the time to argue about that , he's a busy man , he must have called for some reason, perhaps i could ask advice for the party.

"Ok dad so what's upp"

"Lia you know i care about you , my calls are not always about buisness and profits , you can talk other things.
"I know dad i thought it must be something important."
" had lunch?

"Yes my child, i want to vist you both one day I hope you're free on next Sunday."

"Ahh ...well you know she's not really my wife right. She's is in it for money well not for money but to keep her job."

"Whatever it's Lia i need to meet her"
Well dad i kind of need your advice, i am planning an event to display different traditions and cultures , clothing fashion show all that stuff along like a party, well it's actually for helping my trials but do i have to grab media attention or that kind off stuffs..

How many people are invited Lia, well it's typically only our staffs

Well i am gonna suggest to make it big , the whole state have to attend, more companies need to be present it will grab attention as well as more deals..
Well but that will include Richard's too dad  ..but it's good idea.

Lia you don't have to worry about em.

I am not worried dad i just hate them,hate seeing their faces ...

Yea lia i have to go hope you're free for a meeting
Sure dad by, love you

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