34.WTF just happened

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Eliana's pov

The meeting lasted more than i expected, i was beyond tired. I reached home late , well it's early as compared to the times i reach here after crashing at Adams.

I didn't find Kiara anywhere, i called her , she was not picking up the phone. Maids told me she we went out. I don't know where , perhaps her own home or Catherine i signed checking some mails. It's getting late still she's not here , she will not take this much time visiting her neighbour. Did she fall asleep or something there. For fuck sake atleast she can text me right. I am getting more and more angry. Its almost midnight where the hell is she. I drived to her house finding an empty home.  Shit she's not here then where's she , panic was hitting me did someone kidnapped her.. she's still not picking the phone. I searched some restaurant shops, she was nowhere to be found.

I called Rachel,she told me not to panic,

" she might have went out with her friends."

Well if she's with her friends what's wrong with atleast a text .

" Do you have any contact of her friends."

"Oh i don't have that Lia perhaps you can find it from our staffs list her name is sara."

I dialled her number after trying a few times someone picked up by the background music i can say it's some kind of nightclub. Where 's my wife for one moment she didn't respond.

"is this Miss Roberts. "

"Yea it's me and where the fuck is Kiara".

She's here . we are in the new night club which just opened last week ,at the same street as our office.

What the fuck !..she ....doing, is she drunk or something her ass was pressed on to a dude , i bet he's enjoying the shit.
Anger boiled inside me . I just went on to the stage and dragged her out of the club.

My temper is so high feel like i need to slap him , and to her idk what will I do , tie her up and spank her.

We got inside the car

"Eliana what the fuck are you doing.."

We need to talk ,just shut your mouth till we reach home .

She was quiet afterwards.

Where the fuck did you go and why don't you answer my calls , atleast you could have text me Kiara. This is not how this work.

"Oh wow wow  you can typically go wherever you want and can fuck whoever you want right, when i does something on my own, you  have problem. Few days back i was worried when you showed up late . I was waiting for you to take me home, you never arrived. You could have atleast text me right. I've called you a million times and you never picked  up."This is not how this works Eliana"...

"So what's your problem me fucking my boyfriend. If you are that desperate to fuck someone then I can arrange someone, don't fucking grind on some perverts over the bar. You're not a stupid ass employee anymore you're my wife ,behave accordingly.

" Sheesh wtf are you talking Eliana, i was just dancing and  having fun with my friends. And you just embarrassed me infront of them.
What's your problem , i can dance with whoever i want."

"But its harming my reputation you moron. it will also influence the trials what if someone had capture you."

"Oh great this doesn't apply to you i guess, because last time I saw you , you were sucking your boyfriend tongue outside our office. How about that , i think it's daytime right no one would notice"... she said with a mocking tone.

I was getting furious . "That was inside a fucking car you dummy and it's not a public place it's the companies private garage.Not any fucking nightclub."

"Oh Great you have a fucking reason for everything. And whatever you do is always the right thing. It's me who does all the mistakes.. you're unbelievable Eliana."

Yes I am fucking right, and always will be. And i don't want you to ruin my reputation do you understand i said with a gritted teeth.

"You know what i don't give a damn about your reputation nor i don't give a fuck about your trials. I don't care if you go to jail or whatever..and you can't fucking control my life Eliana Roberts."

Where does all this confidence came from . Did she had  something strong, but ,she still look sober .

Lookslike this argument is not going to settle anytime soon, I have to shut her mouth. I gripped her sides and forced her on to the wall and pressed my body over her , honestly it made me powerful, it reminded me of my past life .She gasped but her anger was replaced with surprise, she was quiet. I looked directly into her eyes this time with more confidence and power , I held her chin up , i have told you multiple times not to annoy me , you went on to some fucking party without telling me and was grinding on some moron and now you're arguing with your wife , do you know how annoying you're...

She gripped my hands to remove it from her face, she was about to say something but I forced my lips roughly on her lips , she Doesn't kiss back she started to pull me of but ,I pinned her hands on the wall , i bit her lips she winced slightly opening her mouth ,got a chance for me to slide my tounge inside, she gave in and accepted it . I felt myself relax her lips were soft , and she tasted fine , i can feel her skin getting hot.

I loosed my hands and pinched her sides earning a slight mourn , i pressed one of my knees between her legs, her hands were all on my hair as she passionately kissed . It felt amazing, we don't even know what we are doing, but it's fucking hot.

She kiss so fine, each time I kiss her it's not like the other , it's all new and it's getting better and better every time leaving me all hungry. I don't know how much i tried to push her thoughts away while I was kissing Adam. For god's sake one time i ended up mourning her name instead of Adams. Thank God it was a whisper.

She withdraw first to catch some air , we both were with same expression

"WTF just happened."

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