Her 1st part of cupboard was more than enough for my big luggage I unpacked necessary items and put the rest in same way since i don't want a mess in first day. I was really tired all I wanted was some peaceful sleep my anxiety has been high since last 3 weeks the marriage, my bi polar boss well now my wife, my freaking job, The trial ,ofcourse my family. Everything has been worning me out .I don't even remember when I have fallen into deep slumber. I have been stirred by some of the crawling moments under my feel I jumped of the bed as if it was some kind of snake between my legs
"I screamed ..
"What the fuck Kiara" the bedside lamp was turned on by a godess for a moment ,I was stumbled by her beauty ,under that dimlight she was just ravishing her aesthetics is to die for ,that simple t shirt her perfectly sculptured colar bones those mesmerizing eyes, lucious lips everything even without any makeup was perfect. As Taylor swift said "what must it be like to grow up that beautiful...✨with your hair falling into place like Domino's...my thoughts were interrupted by my just married wife.
Why the fuck are you screaming like that you just scared me...😬 I cringed for a second why did I screamed she was just simply taking blanket from my feet to cover herself up there was only one big blanket there lookslike I was taking it as a whole.
Oh sorry i didn't mean to sleep on your blanket it was just an accident.i guess I was too tired and maybe that's why i completely forgot I was sleeping.
Well very nice but it would have been nice if you sleep on the couch since your uhygenicc Saliva is all over my pillow i don't want such disgusting things in my bed". I felt really embarassed by her statement she is right I must have been careful afterall it's her house and her bed. Anyways I apologized she just shook her head before heading back to sleep .
Anyways i decided to sleep on the couch I must say it was just as comfortable as bed and was big , i mean there's still space for someone in the couch even after I am laying, perfect place away from devil. As well as perfect place to watch her,,, god what am I even thinking I would I watch her ...ahhIt was morning and to be frank i rose up with a headache i have been informed that the trials are shifted to next month..i don't know why but john said it will be best since we only got married yesterday the court will not be convinced by our actions. I do think he has a point . So yea here we goes it was a bright day to be frank the sunlight entering through the glass windows to the room was just amazing the whole architecture is amazing and her home decors also well everything about her is amazing expect for her bitchy character I wonder why she's like that always i mean i don't know her i only spoke to her professionaly and according to her i am still a theif ,what do I expect from her a bed coffee in the morning
As my loving wife pheww I just hit my head on that thought with my hand.
Why would I think that it's not like this marriage is real . Like it's really hard to make even a platonic relationship with my boss,,romance will be so offlimits..I heard someone gigle I just looked on to the dorway the beautiful women I had ever laid eyes on was laughing at me maybe seeing my clumsiness how could she look so georgeous all the time even in early morning. She was walking further the I was checking her out then it got my attention that she was wearing only shorts and tees above later I was only admiring her face and her little laugh ,which i am so proud that I made her laugh or atleast giggle like that..i face is becoming red seeing her like this her long toned legs literally perfect .man am I drooling at her body even the simple Tess made her look sexy her curves damn her wife would be so lucky ohh boy then the realisation hit me i am the one however she is never mine and will never be mine right this wedding is for show and only for trial against Richards her companies reputation her image and a last opportunity to keep my job in this country..I was so lost in my thoughts she cleared her throat, i think you got the mail . Yea John has forwarded the order to me,, her voice was much calmer like not so soft but not as intimidating in the office.
Yea and he called me and told me that we have to be more convincing like to our colleagues and all "i mean yes that's why we are living together right I said.
Its not like that they all know that we hated eachother now we're suddenly married . Then we can say it was a enemy to love romance Jesus Christ did I just say that I mean why do I have to be so stupid and my face made an expression like my face always make that expression when I realise myself that I made a cringy comment or just embarrassed myself then I looked at her face she was giving me a serious look until she saw my face now she's gigling after seeing my expressionYea that's a good point Kiara but that story may not work out very easily so we must work really hard on that so John suggested that we need to go to a honeymoon together .. my jaw dropped after hearing that..waw a fake Marriage followed by a fake honeymoon like this all events are happening really fast like when she got in america everything is changing really fast in India she used to have same routine job house nothing interesting but in america it just rollercoaster ride like within 6 months she almost kicked out of her job then she got married to her boss to keep her job she moved from her house to her bosses house and now she is going to honeymoon..
The honeymoon was booked to Switzerland i mean am not complaint i mean i was not able to travel till 23 was struck in same country same state but this is something nice a change that too with no expenses and my boss is taking me all i have to do is to tolerate one grumpy arrogant lady on the way . I never imagined i would stay in rich hotel or fly to switzerland..like it's all going to happen within 2 days ..we both took 2 days off since if we go to office directly after one day to the wedding it will be too suspicious. As per Rachels information all staffs of nexus corporation is shocked about the fact that the CEO married an Indian .

.Her imperfect partner.?
عاطفيةKiara . 23 years old indian girl heading LA for her new job to live her dream in America. hardworking, cute and an innocent girl . her dreams about America fade when she meets her new boss who hate her from the first day .and her life in Nexus corpo...