2. You've got to be fucking kidding me

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I've gotten so used to the screams by now that I hardly register them unless I'm actively listening. Here though, in the most central part of hell- they seem to come at you from every angle. After a while the newer souls trapped in the pits give up, curl into balls next to each other and suffer in silence. That area, just to my left- is much quieter than most new demons expect. The noise from there has morphed into one deep toned scream, only switching up or down an octave after mass casualty events.

To my right- the real fun happens. Room after room after room of torture chambers are filled with incredible tools- some newer and some six thousand years old. Some of my most powerful demons prefer using their natural strength and gifts to inflict pain- I can't say I blame them. There's nothing that feels quite as good as watching some rapist or racist scream because of something you did with your bare hands.

The oversized castle directly in my line of sight is the only peace in this place. Four hundred year old me- just an infant in the grand scheme of things, asked that of my father. It was one of the only civil conversations we had back then, when we were still talking despite everything. Nowadays he doesn't bother.

I continue flying towards it and sound from outside fades the closer I get. The structure itself is, for once-   
exactly what the humans imagined it to look like in their fiction. The walls are the darkest black imaginable, only illuminated slightly by the fire from the pits. Balconies line the two top sections where I and my highest ranking servants live, giving a nice view of the realm- but after so long here I've grown fond of the room I used to hate; the one containing my throne. I feel an urge to go to it now and feel the power surging through me but I've never lied to Lilith and I'm not going to start now.

  Elrinora and Xaphan are still just dots from this high up and I want to get this meeting over with as soon as possible ( so he can get the fuck out), so I simply let myself fall until the last second, where I use my wings to land normally.

  Elrinora turns to me first, the words already on her tongue. She does not have a particularly noticeable face by demon's standards, but by human's she's a ten out of fucking five. She is not a particularly powerful individual either if you disregard the strength that comes with being a demon, but I consider her my friend on many levels.

  Like the rest of them she pisses me off from time to time, but that is to be expected with the power gap.

  "Your brother's in the conference room-" Elrinora says.

"He wouldn't tell us anything. Said something like 'This is for Lucifer's ears only'." Xaphan Interrupts.

I roll my eyes. He knows damn well there are five others here I share my knowledge with and Vice Versa.

I squeeze past Elrinora with my wings still out and let them drag along the floor just so I can rub it in his face . Even after the fall and thousands of years later- they've remained slightly larger than his.

Our conference room is the least extravagant and the only place here similar to something you'd see in heaven. The walls are plain and there is just a long black table in the center. Now, my brother stands with his hands clasped, waiting.

"Brother- It's nice to see you again." Michael smiles. I raise an eyebrow. He's gotten quite good at that.

"Cut the shit. What do you want?" I snap, not in the mood to deal with his 'I'm better than all of you' personality.

"We've found a nephillim descendent."

If I were human, I'm sure I would have stared blankly or looked at him like he were insane. Instead I tilt my head and my eyes go wide. It's been nearly twenty years since the last one was discovered - a member of my bloodline, but she was ninety four years old and dying so it didn't exactly count.

"How are you so sure?" I ask, hesitant to trust him though he too has never lied.

"Dad told me where to find her and... what she did and that... it was imperative we help her find her heritage and control her gifts. Lucifer... there are only seven of us with her... most clear ability. We all had our sinful days..." He pauses for a second too long, looking me over. "Some more than others but it could help her if she learns where she comes from."

"She believes she is fully human?"

"Yes." Michael shrugs. "But... there was a bit of an incident with...fire. I can't read her mind from here but if she's not a moron she should know something's going on."

" Brother- you put way too much faith in humans. Slowly then. We don't want her to go into shock or have an actual heart attack- wait a minute, if dad showed himself to you why didn't he just tell you who her great great great.. times a thousand grandparent is?" This is part of why I left. My father likes to make things way more complicated than they need to be.

"You know it doesn't work like that." Michael sighs. "He's not a free information bank, Lucifer. He does have the entire universe to run so..."

"Yeah, I know. Surprised he showed himself at all. Even for you."


"How does it feel being the favorite child?" I interrupt, memories flooding back from my time above.

"You were once- but let's not dwell on the past and.. try to think logically. If this girl's so important she warranted a visit from dad- then she is really important. Lucifer?"

"What?" I ask, beyond ready for him to leave.

"He wants you to go see her first."

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