24. The beginning of time

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Approximately 6,000 years ago

Lucifer Morningstar was one of God's first experiments. He worked on him for six human days and nights, thinking he'd perfected every detail. When Lucifer opened his eyes for the first time, god knew he would eventually rebel- just not why or when. God himself hadn't mastered his powers yet, so that part was fuzzy. He told himself he'd be able to guide his son back to the light when the time came. He had no idea just how wrong he'd be.

  The first thing Lucifer's eyes landed on was his father's forehead. He then looked around, confused by his surroundings. He stood and stumbled, hitting his nose on what would eventually be called grass- and his father took hold of his arm to help support him.

  "My child-" His voice was deep, soothing. "Come now. You have so much to learn."

  For months, while new angels and humans were created-  god taught his sons how to exist. He taught his favorites how to use their wings and let the others figure it out. He'd given each one unique gifts- which were a source of entertainment before everything came crashing down.

  Lucifer Morningstar was walking the halls of the castle one day when a light radiated from the conference room and covered heaven for a few seconds. Curious, he tiptoed to the open door and peeked through its crack. He placed a hand around his eye to block out the rest of his surroundings, and what he saw would be the beginning of the end of peace in heaven.

  His father was holding a hand out, which was grasped by another set just seconds later. He followed the arm upwards until it connected to the most perfect creation he'd ever seen. The man was still naked and Lucifer's breath hitched in his throat. He'd never felt what he was feeling in that moment with how common casual nakedness was in the old days, so he knew when the man turned his head: I'm fucked.

  He could see entire universes in the man's eyes and he would've stared much longer if his dad hadn't suddenly opened the door.

  "My son-" His father said with nothing but kindness in his voice. "Come meet Jesus. I think you'll get along quite well."

Lucifer gulped, doing his best to keep his eyes on the upper half of Jesus's body. It didn't help that when he opened his mouth, Lucifer's went dry. He could feel his father judging him- a sensation he would become accustomed to pretty quickly- so he tried to make his mind wander.

"It's....nice to meet you." Jesus struggled to speak. The whole 'being materialized into existence as a full grown man' thing was a lot, and it would him a while to get used to. "You are...."

"Lucifer Morningstar." He held out a hand for him to shake. When their palms touched, for Lucifer at least- the entire world came to a stop. Suddenly nothing else mattered but making sure Jesus was safe, happy, and laying with him. Both of their eyes dilated. God coughed.

"Right well... I'm sure you'll see each other plenty while Jesus learns how to exist. You- come with me."

Lucifer felt himself being pulled into the hallway with a force his father'd never used on him and he winced. God's eyebrows furrowed in what we now call anger.

"I'd advise you to leave your thoughts as just that: thoughts."

"Excuse me.... Father?" Lucifer played dumb.

"There is nothing sinful about thoughts. Acting on those thoughts is the problem."

"What's a sin?" Lucifer asked, still so innocent.

"It is... never mind, I don't feel like explaining it right now." God shook his head but deep down he was disgusted. He'd been toying with the idea of Man and woman, procreation, which body part would go where- yet his own son was going to fuck all of that up by looking at a man the way a man should look at a woman? It was in that moment he knew his son was slipping from the light, but he remained optimistic. "Just be careful around him. I wouldn't want to be forced to punish either of you."

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