15. Have I died and gone to heaven?

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"I don't understand the point in that." I say. "My parents are dead."

That- and all I can see now is my mother's decapitated head. The looks in stranger's eyes while trying to explain what happened wasn't my fault. I hated them for it; I was a child, not a moron. Why do they insist on bringing up the most painful day of my life?

  "It's not about your parents." Lucifer rolls his eyes and I want to punch him. "It's about your parents' parents parents parents- well you get the point. Even distant relatives could carry that same gene so... are you still in contact with your biological family?"

  "No." I shake my head. "It was always.... Just us. If I do have family they're halfway across the world or dead. I'm still not understanding why this is so important."

  Lucifer and Obyzouth exchange glances, some sort of silent communication. Oh how I wish I could get in on just a little bit of that bond-

  "We need to track them down too so they... don't do the same thing you did." Obyzouth replies.



  I guess that makes sense. Wouldn't want to read a story about some three or ninety year old somewhere with burns covering their entire body because of our negligence. I have often wondered if I have family somewhere, but never pushed it. With my parents it was a touchy subject.

  "Okay I can... I can order a 23andme." I shrug.

  "No-" Lucifer says. "We have no idea if your DNA will show up as inconclusive or not and.... We've had our own way of doing this for thousands of years. I still don't understand why but... my father gave all nephillim and their descendants the ability to hone in on blood relatives and feel for where they are. If you try you should feel a pull to the location and we can take you there."

  I tilt my head. They're forgetting I haven't been alive long enough to understand most of the things they say. As he waits for me to say something, anything- I'm stuck on his father.

  GOD. His father is GOD. That alone is enough to put us in two different categories regardless of how shitty a god he is. His father created all things- and mine created tension with his drinking habits.

  "Taylor? You okay?" He asks, his voice and eyes kind. Those eyes. I know he's supposed to be the embodiment of evil and all, but goddamn-

  "I'm.... Processing." When he gently places a hand on my shoulder, a shiver runs down my body and I can't tell if he notices or not. He shows no external reaction- only standing there with a straight face. "I don't... I don't understand."

  "Well while you're not understanding-" Obyzouth says. "There's a maternity ward in the hospital a few blocks away. I'm gonna go check it out."

  Lucifer starts to turn to her with a look in his eyes that says "Don't you dare", but she's already gone. He rubs his forehead, frustrated. "Demons. Look- it is hard to explain to those who have never done it but if you picture... yourself having a family and imagine being near them...... it should just happen."

  "Just like that?" I raise an eyebrow.

  "Just like that."

  "Okay....." I gulp, preparing myself but still not ready.

  The day of the crash, my father was being unnaturally nice. It was like he knew something was going to happen- but how could he? It was a fucking car crash. For the first time, I imagine whether or not he was drunk and if that was why it happened. I've never had the balls to ask for a copy of the autopsy report and I'm not sure I want to. If he'd been a second faster with his response time, they'd be alive today. I never would've met Rhea or Kaden- because I would've gone to a smaller college, which means I probably wouldn't be standing here with Lucifer right now.

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