38.A battle to end all wars

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"Taylor...." Lucifer says, suddenly terrified. "Don't do anything stupid. I've been there, done that. It won't end well."

  "Maybe not-"

  "What are you gonna do? Stroll right through his top floor suite in heaven's castle and beat him up? Sit on his throne? Take his place as the creator of all things? Fuck, he's the biggest ass of all time- and you are incredibly strong but-"

  "I WILL NOT JUST SIT HERE AND DO NOTHING WHILE HE CONTINUES TO 'PUNISH" I snap and a burning sensation spreads throughout my body. "INNOCENT FUCKING BEINGS!!!"

  Lucifer's mouth turns up in a crooked half smile, and some deep part of my brain registers that he's pushing me on purpose- but it doesn't quite break the surface.

  "He doesn't consider them innocent though. He also-"

  "HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE MICHAEL A CHANCE TO BEG FOR FORGIVENESS!! WHAT THE FUCK!!" I punch a balcony rail and feel nothing.

  "Because he knows Michael wouldn't- not again. The first hundred years after the war were... rough to say the least. It took him a while to get used to heaven's rules and father humiliated him every single time he apologized-"


  "It was pretty traumatic- after a while he just said fuck it and decided he was done apologizing to father, that if he messed up again he would just deal with the consequences."


  "Just offering some information." Lucifer pretends to pick under his nails. "I-"

  "Information that only solidifies my need to fucking punch him into oblivion." I choke out.

  "By all means, you're welcome to try-" Lucifer shrugs. "As long as you're also willing to accept the consequences after you fail."


  "Only if you ask for it darling-"

  "Not now. Just... shut up for a second."

  "Shall I grab the ball gag from my bedroom?"

  I roll my eyes and try to think. Lucifer's presence doesn't help, because even now- as a burning sensation assaults my hands- he's distracting. It hits me all at once, then I know what I need to do.

  I step further back, putting distance between us. Lucifer tilts his head up, watching me. I don't know why- because it feels like my body's controlling the action and not my mind- but I flip him off. The world spins around me.

Seconds later, I'm in the middle of an indoor garden- filled with an endless array of tropical plants I recognize- and some I don't. I run my fingers over a yellowish- purple flower that's as tall as I am with leaves and thorns sticking in every direction.

"That one's not my favorite." A deep, unfamiliar voice says. "I've certainly done better work. How did you get in here?"

"I... I..." Lucifer was right. Looking god in the eyes is intimidating. "I let myself in."

"Oh but that shouldn't be possible-" God chuckles... nervously? The fuck? " I've only granted access of this floor to my archangels. As far as I know you aren't one of them."

"It's scary, isn't it?" I say, a sudden sense of boldness taking over. "Not being in absolute control of your life? Imagine how your sons, daughters and other creations feel. You have played god for far too long- Abused your power for just as long."

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