4. Hell

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"But-" Before I have a chance to protest he is gone. I sigh, instinctively looking around and shaking my head. That's kind of his signature thing; vanishing out of nowhere.

  I suppose I'll have to track him down again and ask what the girl's fucking name is since tracking humans I do not have a personal relationship with is not my strong suit.

Just outside the door there are whispers- and a knock a few seconds later.

"Fuck off I'm thinking."

They do not listen. The door creaks open like all of the others in this damned place. Xaphan steps through first- then my second favorite demon.

  "I said fuck off-"

  "My lord, is everything alright?" Xaphan asks. I roll my eyes. The two alone are manageable despite their tendencies to ignore direct orders. Together, however- they tend to overstep boundaries.

I turn my entire body towards him, an eyebrow raised and head tilted up. I barely have a chance to glare at him before he gulps, remembering that I could destroy him.

  Elrinora is more difficult. She takes a step forward, mirroring my facial expression. She looks me up and down then smirks. Xaphan coughs.

  "No." I finally reply. "You- fuck off and find Abezethibou. You- stay."

"Of course, my lord." He bows like he thinks it'll erase my constant disdain for his existence. Elrinora watches as he leaves, still scarred enough from her human life that she hasn't accepted sexuality as a completely normal thing.

I sigh, flexing my wings so I can retract them. I tense the muscles in my upper back, visualize them shrinking to the size of human fingernails and just.... do it. There are certain instances where they are useful- but this is not one of them.

Elrinora leans against the door, fully closing it with her back- waiting on my next move.

Just a few years after her transformation this became our dynamic. It's evolved over time of course, with our frequent trips to earth- but we still have our preferences. I make eye contact as I get close enough that I can feel her breath, resting my hands on the door at first. Before the words she's grown to hate from hearing so much these past thousand years have a chance to escape my lips, she's cutting me off.

"Do you want to do this-"

"Shut up." She pulls my face even closer to hers without warning, strong enough that my body comes with it. Her lips are on mine for well over a minute, pressure varying as we try to find the flow. I am the first to pull away, keeping eye contact when I lower myself. I raise an eyebrow and she does the same.

"What?" I imagine her saying, annoyed. Then she finally gets it and nods. I dive under her skirt, the fabric falling over my back as I grip her thighs for support. She holds onto the doorknob so hard it'd break if the place weren't built by and for divine beings. She's never been a fan of underwear, making this a bit easier. I reach one arm out of the skirt, reach up to support her waist as much as possible, and stand up. She hooks her legs over my shoulders almost instinctively as I walk the few feet to the table and roughly set her down. Her hair comes out of its loose bun upon impact. Black strands sprawl out a good foot or so and her skirt blows up like a wind gust hit it, falling over her chest and leaving her half-exposed. She grips the other side of the table so hard her knuckles would go white if she were human, almost begging for my touch as I linger annoyingly close to her clit, intentionally avoiding direct touch.

"Lucifer...." She pants.  "Please."

  "I'd prefer you call me my lord, darling." I smirk. "Or when you don't speak at all. That's nice too."

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