12. Obyzouth

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  Do they get it? Do they understand how annoying it is to have celestial beings pop in and out of your life constantly?

  They can't. How would they? Most of them have been around since the beginning of time. What would that have looked like? And what the fuck came "before time"?

I sigh, knowing that if I stand here and question every little thing about how the universe works I'll pass out again. Lucifer is far from stupid, I know that- besides the whole rebelling against the most powerful being in existence thing- and he says he cares about humans, but he seems to have little regard for just how fragile we can be.

You would think that having  Angel DNA- no matter how little, would make you physically able to handle more. Of course not. Of course it doesn't work like that. I can repel and create literal FIRE- but I don't get wings or immortal beauty or physical strength. I mean what the fuck, god?

With that thought I snap out of it. I'm not quite ready to disregard something that's been a large part of my life for nineteen years. I'd imagine being a good person is enough to go to heaven from what Lucifer's told me about the general similarities in major religions- but am I one? I haven't donated money to charity in years. I do regularly help out homeless people but I could do it more. In my early teen years I was an ignorant and close-minded "Christian"- I imagine that doesn't help my case. Lucifer also told me his father GOD wouldn't hold Kaden's death against me since he had it coming- but how can I believe that?

  I still took a human life. I did that. Me.

  I tell myself it's not my fault, though it technically is- and the more I do so I picture the case against me building up.

  What the fuck happens to Nephilm descendants when we die? Do we go to the same section of hell as the average human or is their a special ward for us?  A unique type of torture?

  I shudder, knowing I'm close to hyperventilating and need to find something to occupy my mind. Food is always a nice distraction, so I find my way to Rhea's fridge and start rummaging through her produce drawers until I find everything I need. I grab her vegan ranch from the door and it makes me question if I eat as healthy as I think I do.

  I find roasted chickpeas and croutons in the pantry and set them aside, grabbing a cutting board. I don't have much patience so I just rip the greens with my fingers, dice the mini cucumbers and peppers into large pieces. I dump everything in a salad bowl and shake- simultaneously holding her fridge open with my body while I look for alcohol. I don't drink, but now seems like a good time to start.

  Nothing. What twenty two year old fucking billionaire doesn't keep overpriced wine in their fridge at all times? I know she fucking drinks it like water.

  I sigh, cursing my luck, and turn around. My heart stops beating for a full three seconds and it feels like my soul's left my body. I drop the bowl- but my some miracle it lands perfectly. I make eye contact with the.... Fucking gorgeous stranger leaning on Rhea's island and frown.

  "What. The. Fuck." I manage to get out in between breaths. She seems unphased.

"Wow- humans really are fragile." She says. "Forgive me, it's been a while since I've come up here."

  "Uhm-" I cough. "Who are you?"

  "Obyzouth." She casually informs me and I immediately step back. "Taylor I-"

  "Stay... stay away from me stay... the fuck away!" I slowly step away until my back's against the fridge and keep my eyes on her the entire time. "I've heard the stories. I've read about what you do to infants get... I'm extremely uncomfortable right now ."

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