35. Unity

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  I trace my fingers along the furniture in Michael's apartment, feeling for a vision. I get nothing but bad vibes. I've already been to the cafe and crash site. All I could see were images of her crying and that alone made me want to throw someone in a torture chamber. I haven't checked on the driver's post-life destination yet, but if he's ended up in hell I suppose I could fuck him up. The blood that would endlessly stream from his neck....

  I find myself falling into old habits, targeting the people who have wronged someone I.... care about. When the men involved in crucifying Jesus inevitably ended up in hell, I made them regret it for nearly eight hundred years. After that- I got bored of their screams and let the demons take over. The few times I've been back, the younger demons seemed to be enjoying the torture.

  I run my hand along the counter and again, feel nothing. I punch it. How the fuck am I supposed to help her if I can't figure out what happened? She could be fucking dying right now and here I am fucking touching random objects.

  She IS strong. She WILL get through this, like Rhea said. She has Angel DNA for fucks sake- OH.

  Asking them for anything is a long shot, but all I can hope is that they'll hear me out and not be selfish for once in their miserable existences.

  I waste no time in teleporting just outside heaven's gates and calling on Michael. He takes a bit longer than I'd like, but upon seeing the look on my face- lets me speak first.

  "I'd like special permission to enter heaven."

  "Brother you know I can't grant that. Only father-"

  "It's about Taylor." I interrupt. "Please can you just... give me two minutes. Gabriel may be a homophobic asshole but even he wouldn't condemn an innocent to lifelong trauma."

Michael purses his lips together, thinking. After a few second of this he links his arm through mine.

  "I can escort you to the conference room. But if father doesn't approve-"

  "Yeah yeah, I know-" I'll be kicked out again. Nothing I'm not used to. "Let's get this over with."

  I take a deep breath, staring at heaven's constantly open gates. When I look at the borderline, where the gates would end up if they ever did close- I'm filled with a sense of dread. The last time I was here, I was told Taylor's gifts could grow to be unmatched. I believed father quickly because of how quick she learned but if he refuses to become involved in this like I know he will, it's up to my brothers and I to find her. How comforting.

I take one step in the gates, slightly cringing back- but when nothing happens I know I'm safe, that father's at least temporarily approved my presence here.

  My entire body tenses up, waiting on something to happen. Nothing does so we stop wasting time and Michael drags me to the conference room at the speed of light. We burst through the door without warning and whatever conversation the others were having goes straight out the window.

  "Brother- how are you here?" Uriel asks, nervously looking around.

  "He's fucking evil, that's how-" Gabriel starts. I roll my eyes.

"Language, brother." Raphael reminds him. Oh how satisfying it would be to watch Gabriel fall-  "If heaven's light isn't repelling him he must have father's blessing. Why is that?"

  This is it. My chance to reign them in, use them to help find her. Hell, maybe I can keep them in line afterwards too.

I take a deep breath, delving in.

  "Taylor's best friend was killed in a... horrific car crash not too long ago. You may have seen Rhea Harrington's soul enter the gates-"

  "Yes, I did." Gabriel nods. "I've always found the scope of father's forgiveness towards people who don't deserve it incredible."

  Don't let it rub you the wrong way. Ignore him. Now's not the time- I tell myself.

  "But now Taylor is missing and the only visions I could conjure were of her sobbing. I know it is in my nature to assume the worst but I am afraid something may have happened to her." I look from blank face to blank face trying to gauge reactions - but am unsuccessful. "Please-"

"Don't beg." Uriel Interrupts. "It's annoying. I'm with you- anything you need. She's one of us."

  "As am I." Raphael nods. "For her."

  Michael doesn't say anything, but he too nods. Gabriel gives in after being stared at for an uncomfortable amount of time.

  "Lucifer...."Gabriel says. "I know I'm the last being you wanna hear this from but if anybody's gonna harm her it'd be... demons or fallen angels jealous of her gifts."

"That doesn't make sense-" I shake my head. "None of my side would do anything to harm her. They know better... and the angels up here are smarter than that."

"He does have a point-" Michael suggests. "How much of your inner circle knows about the conversation you had with father? They could be.. trying to end her life before she has a chance to gain that power. For what reason I don't know but.... Demon's minds work in strange ways."

  I want to tell him he's wrong or that demons are just misunderstood.... but that'd be a lie, and not even a productive one. Their behavior and thoughts are quite erratic, making them perfect for what they're created for but not much else. As much as I respect my high ranking ones for having the self control they do, it isn't common and they still have outbursts from time to time.

I feel sick. I did this. I put her in danger.

  "Lucifer? Who did you tell about that conversation with father?" Michael repeats.

  "I...just...two fallen and...three demons."


"Raphael don't." Michael reprimands. "Who among us hasn't made mistakes? Trusted individuals you shouldn't have?"

  Michael turns to me.

  "If father decides to extend his blessing to them, will you summon them?" He asks calmly.

  "What is this, a 90's horror movie?" I roll my eyes. "I can call on them, put out a vibration asking them to be here- but where I'm from everything is done out of free will."

I turn to the more open side of the conference room so I can focus better and put out that vibration, wasting no time.

Elrinora teleports first, confused as to how she's here. No surprise there.

Lilith, Obyzouth and Xaphan are next, all half dressed. I don't bother asking.

  Instead, we wait on Abezethibou for five minutes before realizing he's ignored me.

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