18. Lilith

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  I wipe blood from the corners of my mouth, smiling at my creativeness and how much I just made Christopher Columbus scream. There are billions of souls here I could torture at my leisure but he's quickly becoming one of my favorites because of how deep in denial he is, justifying everything I've done to him.

  Just when he thinks I'm done, after I've given him an hour break- I come back and pull his eyeballs out with my fingers, reach down his throat and through his stomach to disembowel him. He tried to lecture me on forgiveness afterwards- me of all demons! I simply told him I'd be back later and he curled into a ball, defeated.

  I felt nothing but satisfaction.

  Now, I find myself walking to Xaphan's library- not in the mood for fucking or torturing. I ignore the stares I get from younger demons who heard stories about me in their human lives- stopping only to smirk at one of them, deciding he'll be my next partner. He stumbles, making me almost certain he'd be passed out right now if that were possible.

  I step around him and let myself in the empty room with a sigh. It is quite loud outside, then in here- newer demons never stop fucking talking. In the old days, Lucifer would have banished them for even wandering onto this floor- but he's been more lenient these past thousand years and it worries me. I mean, what if other demons stop recognizing his authority? Hell would literally break loose.

  I plop down in a velvet chair Xaphan stole from some mansion on earth and close my eyes, genuinely doing nothing for once. I think I finally understand his suicidal thoughts; doing the same things over and over again gets boring after a while, even if it is of your own free will. Then after thousands of years- there's only so many kinks to experiment with, so many new activities to do. The humans do tend to pop out novels and music like neither requires any effort, so I also understand why he likes it here so much. Without looking, I reach behind my head and pull a random book off a shelf.

I end up with Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe and can't get past the second page. There are literally millions of books in this room, so I could go through them all until I find something that doesn't make me want to stab myself to death- but I tend to move away from a hobby if it doesn't have me hooked on the first try. I stand, ready to throw myself in one of the pits for fun- but a younger male demon comes barreling in like his life depends on it.

"Madam Lilith... He... I.... He's....."

"Words would be nice." I cross my arms. "I do not have the patience for stuttering."

"Of course.... Madam he.... Raphael is here and he'd like to escort you to a meeting in heaven."

Finally! Something exciting!

"We are thinking of the same Raphael, are we not?" I raise an eyebrow, still processing it. I've never heard of an archangel visiting a demon, or a demon stepping through the gates of heaven- but I guess I represent a lot of firsts.

"Archangel Raphael.... Lucifer's brother Raphael.... Yes, I believe we are. Would you like me to get Lucifer?" The younger demon asks. I simply nod.

After arguing for a full hour about what this could mean, he finally encourages me to take it- but gives me his full support in decking anybody that deserves it if they try anything. I find Raphael in our meeting room and stand far away from him, untrusting.

He taps his fingers against the table, letting his wings hang out. I've never seen him here before- but he looks relaxed, like he owns the place- and it annoys the shit out of me.

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