Chapter Thirty

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story. I hope you like it. Leave me your feedback.

One more chapter to go!

Niall's Pov:

Why does Zayn's father want to see us? Why couldn't he tell us what he wanted over the phone? Or Skype? Why does he want to see us face to face? Is he going to cause more trouble for us? I'm coming up to my due date and I'll be going into hospital in less than two weeks. I don't need the stress from his dad. Liam and Louis both know about what's happening. They asked if I wanted them there but I told them I'd be fine. Zayn wouldn't let anything happen to me or the baby. I've already told Zayn if his dad kicks off I'll be walking away from the situation. I'm not risking anything at all. 

"Niall!" Zayn yelled from upstairs. I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"They here?" I asked, Zayn nodded his head. "Are you sure you don't have any idea what he wants?" Zayn shook his head. 

"No idea Ni. Listen we'll hear what he has to say. If things get to much I'll be making him leave" Zayn assured me, I sighed. 

"Alright" I whispered just as our doorbell went off. Zayn kissed my forehead and made his way to the door. I slowly walked over to the couch. 

"Mum. Dad you alright?" I heard Zayn speak. 

"Amazing lovely. Where's Niall?" I heard Trisha ask. 

"Living room" Zayn replied. I then heard Trisha's heels on the hardware floor. Seconds later she walked into the room with a loving smile on her face. 

"Niall sweetheart!" She exclaimed as she rushed over to me. Trisha took me into her arms and held me tight. "How are you?" She questioned.

"Good. Tired but I'm good" I replied. We slowly pulled away from the hug. 

"You look about ready to burst!" She stated, I chuckled.

"Two more weeks and I will be" I said, Trisha laughed. 

"I bought down some more old things. It's better to use old clothing then to go out and buy new things. The baby will grow out of them before you know it then the moneys just wasted" She said, Zayn and his dad walked into the room. 

"Niall" Zayn's father said with a small nod. 

"Hello" I replied, Trisha gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before making her way over to Yaser. Zayn walked over to me and we both sat down on the couch. 

"So how have things been?" Zayn's father asked. "Got everything prepared?"

"Yeah. Everything's set up"

"Did you manage to put up the cot?" Trisha asked, Zayn chuckled. 

"Yeah in the end. Had to Skype Liam so he could run me through it" Zayn replied, Trisha laughed. 

"Pain in the ass those things are. I remember building yours. Lost the English page of instructions. Took me hours an-"

"Cut to the chase. What'd you want dad? If it's to cause trouble or state your opinion I don't want to hear it" Zayn stated, Yaser sighed. 

"I'm not here to cause trouble. Niall do you remember your father? Before and after he joined me?" I sighed. 

"Don't even think of upsetting him!" Zayn spat, I placed my hand on Zayn's knee. 

"It's alright" I whispered. "Yeah I do remember him. Before everything he was always there. Spending time with my brothers and I. Teaching us skills he thought would come in handy but were actually useless. He was a normal dad. After he joined you I barely saw him. When I did see him he was tired or hurt all the time" I said.

"He was a good friend. A loyal friend. Family was what he built his life around. Anything he could do that'd provide for you he'd do. That's why he joined me. You, Bobby and your brothers come from a family that had no expectations. Myself and Zayn aren't so lucky in that sense. I won't go into full detail about what my childhood was like but I was raised to believe that strength was everything. And that being weak even for one second was a bad thing. Because of that I am who I am. By the time Trisha found me it was too late for me to be saved. In Zayn I saw everything I was up until you came along. You changed his life and made him see that he could be more. You saved him before the gang life could take over everything" Yaser explained. 

"He changed everything for the better" Zayn said, His dad nodded in agreement. 

"I'm sorry. For anything I may have done. You saved Zayn before he could turn out like me and because of it he's more of a man then I am. Swallowing my pride isn't a easy thing for me to do. It's taken me a long time to accept this and I apologize for that. I hope that one day you can forgive me. I was blinded to my sons happiness and I shouldn't have been" 

"My mum always used to tell me. At a point in our life most of us lose our way. For some people we lose our way more times than we should. But as long as we have people who believe in us. Who love us we'll find our way back. I don't think it's too late for you to do that. My parents don't have the chance to be in my child's life. I don't want you to be like that. I want you in this child's life" I explained, Yaser nodded his head. 

"Thankyou Niall" He said. 

"So this means you accept everything? You accept that I'm not coming back to the gang. I'm staying here and living my life with my family. If you say you accept that you need to mean it" Zayn stated. 

"I was wrong. Whatever I can do to make amends I'll do" Zayn's dad said, Zayn sighed in relief as he stood up from the chair. He opened up his arms. Zayn's dad wasn't a hugging person. He was more a handshake man. This was a true test for him. Yaser stood up from the chair and walked over to Zayn. He hesitated for a moment before holding up his arms and pulling Zayn into a hug. I sighed in relief. It took a long time for him to realize it but Zayn's father's finally accepted the way things are. 

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