Chapter Twenty Two

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story. Really hope you like it. Leave your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

My eyes slowly slid open and a smile spread across my lips. I dreamed of Zayn. He kissed me. He kissed me with no hesitation or regret. My smile grew even wider when I remembered it wasn't just a dream. It really happened. Zayn told me that I had him that I always would, Then he kissed me. At first when he kissed me I was afraid. I thought he was going to pull away and blow it off as a heat of the moment thing, But he didn't. We didn't speak about it after. Zayn only took my hand and guided me up the stairs to his bedroom. We laid in his bed cuddled close together that night. The entire time I felt butterflies flying around my insides. Zayn wasn't there when I woke up the following morning. Last night he told me something about having to go see his dad. I planned on talking to him about what happened and where we stood now, But I couldn't do that if he wasn't here. I needed to talk to somebody about everything that happened. I needed advice. Needed to know I wasn't crazy for thinking Zayn was finally letting me in. I slowly leaned across the bed and took hold of my phone. 

Can you come over? Need a chat -Ni

Sure any food cravings?- Haz

Pringles and the Doritos dipping sauce- Ni

Disgusting!!!!! I'll be there soon- Haz

"I'll get it!" I yelled when there was a knock on the frontdoor forty five minutes later. Louis was the only one at home with me. He was still healing up and Zayn stated that he wouldn't be returning to work until he was a hundred percent good. 

"Never gets normal seeing you with a belly" Harry commented when I opened the frontdoor. I chuckled as I placed my hand on my stomach. 

"Tell me about it. Barely getting used to it myself" I replied as Harry pulled me into a hug. "Come say hey to Lou" I said, Harry nodded his head and followed me into the living room. 

"How's the patient?" Harry asked. Louis looked up from his phone and smiled brightly.

"Better. Still bit sore but I'll live. I'm a survivor" Louis replied. 

"Cause I'm a survivor, I'm not gon give up, I'm not gon stop, I'm gon work harder" Harry sang in a teasing voice, Louis rolled his eyes but laughed happily. 

"Shut up you idiot. Come give me a hug" He stated. Harry smiled and walked over to Louis. He slowly leaned down. "You call that a hug?" Louis said. 

"Yeah well. I don't want to hurt you do I?" Harry mumbled. Louis smiled at him.

"I'm alright honestly" He assured him. Harry hesitated for a moment before giving Louis a proper hug. "Much better" Louis said. 

"Lou were gonna go upstairs. Call if you need anything" I stated. Louis nodded his head and Harry got to his feet. We walked out the room and made our way up the stairs. 

"Seeing him beat up must've been hard" Harry commented when we walked into Zayn's bedroom.

"Yeah" I nodded. "It was. Them getting beat up it's nothing new to me. I mean it's happened so many times but, I guess I'm always afraid one kick to a certain place could be the end of it" I replied, Harry nodded his head in understanding. 

"Is this what you wanted to talk about?" He asked before sitting down on the bed. 

"Sort of. I need to ask something because I don't know if it's just me over thinking the situation" I said. Harry pulled out the pringles and doritos sauce. He then signalled for me to continue. "After I saw what happened to Louis. I got scared and I guess it showed because Zayn noticed it. He hugged me so tight knowing that I needed that kind of comfort. I told him I was afraid of losing them if I lose them I have nobody. Zayn told me I was wrong. He told me that I have him Haz then he kissed me and he didn't pull away" I explained.

"He loves you" Harry stated, I sighed. "Oh come on Ni. My mum noticed the way he looked at you at the barbecue. If she noticed it's got to be obvious" Harry stated. 

"It that's true then why's he push me away half the time?" I asked, Harry shrugged.

"I dunno Ni. You'd have to ask him that question".

Harry left a few hours later and I found myself taking a little nap. I slept the whole way through dinner and only awoke when I heard the bedroom door being opened. My eyes cracked open and the smell of Zayn's cologne filled my nostrils. 

"Zayn?" I questioned before slowly sitting up.

"Shit! Sorry Ni did I wake you up?" Zayn whispered. 

"No. No it's alright. How did it go with your father?" I leaned over to turn on the lamp. "Oh my god. Zayn what happened?" I exclaimed. Zayn had a busted open lip and various different marks all over his face. His clothes were muddy as if he'd been rolling around in the dirt. 

"Dad was having a problem with somebody. That's what he wanted me for" I slowly climbed out the bed and approached Zayn. 

"Are you alright?" I chocked out with nothing but worry filling my eyes. Zayn slowly nodded his head. 

"I'm alright" He assured me. 

"Come on. Let me clean you up" I took hold of Zayn's hand and walked him to the bathroom. Once inside I turned on the tap and Zayn sat down on the edge of the bath tub. I placed the flannel in the sink and got it wet before rinsing it out. I slowly began to clean Zayn's face. I then noticed blood on Zayn's shirt. "Take off your shirt" I said softly. Zayn did as I said and I instantly felt like someone had punched me in the heart. Zayn's body was filled with hand prints, Boot marks and red marks. My eyes filled with tears. How could Zayn's father let this happen? Why would he let someone do this to his son? Zayn could never put our child through something like this. 

"Hey it's alright. I'm ok" Zayn whispered softly as he cupped my cheek. I looked him straight in the eyes. Now I have to ask him. 

"Why?" I whispered, Zayn raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Why do you act like you care one minute then push me away? When we kissed in the kitchen you basically said nothing could happen between us. Then yesterday you kiss me and tell me I'll always have you. I need you to be honest with me Zayn. If your only doing this for the baby then I need to know. I need to know if you really care or not" Zayn was staring me straight in the eyes. "Don't look at me like that Zayn please! I can't do this anymore. If you don't care about me and all this is for the baby you need to tell me because I'm really falling for you and I can't play these games anymore!" I exclaimed. 

"You think I don't care about you? How can you? Niall you mean more to me than anything else" Zayn chocked out. 

"Then why do you shut me out? If you care about me why can't we just be together?" I stated, Zayn looked down and then back up.

"It's complicated" He mumbled.

"Then explain it to me" I pleaded. 

"Alright" Zayn nodded. "Alright I'll explain everything".

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