Chapter Thirteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story. Really hope you like it. Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

How does he understand any of this? I've been up all night looking at the websites Niall's been on. All about male pregnancies. I tried sleeping but I just couldn't. Everytime I closed my eyes they opened once again only a few seconds later. Can this really happen? Can he really be pregnant? I worked out the dates and I know for a fact if he is pregnant it's my child. Why wouldn't he come to me? Why wouldn't he tell me about this? I assume he turned to his friend Harry. He stayed the night at Harry's sending me a text late at night letting me know he was staying there, I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail, Niall turned his phone off. I sent him texts, Left him voicemails telling him we need to talk and he needs to call me. Mornings come around and he still hasn't called me. I've rang his phone but it's still switched off. I sighed as I placed my phone down on the table.

"Mate you look like shit" Liam said as he entered the kitchen, I chuckled slightly.

"Cheers mate" I replied. 

"What's up?" Liam asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee. I can't tell him not until I'm sure. If Niall's pregnant and it's mine I'm surely gonna get my head kicked in. I'd rather wait until I'm positive before I lose Liam and Louis.

"Family shit. Dad still thinks he can run this like the old days. Seems to forget I'm in charge now" I said, It's not really a lie. My dad is still trying to control everything. "Anyway don't worry about it I'll sort him out. You heard from Niall?" I questioned, Liam shook his head. 

"Nah. He's probably asleep mate when he stays at Harry they'll stay up till the sun comes up" Liam replied before placing a cup of coffee infront of me, I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "It'll keep you up and it's not as strong as how Louis has it" Liam said, I sighed before taking a small sip. 

"Payne your trying to kill me aren't you?" I joked, Liam laughed. 

"Course not mate" I chuckled before continuing my conversation with Liam.

Hours have passed and Niall still hasn't come back. His phones still switched off and I'm starting to get worried about him. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't mind. I mean he's with his friend, I'd have nothing to worry about, But it's different now. Niall might be pregnant with my child for all I know. What if somethings happened and the both of them are hurt? I said I couldn't be with Niall not because I don't care about him, But because I can't stand the thought of him being hurt. I looked up the clock on the wall then back down. I checked my phone and rolled my eyes. Enough was enough. I stood up and began making my way to the frontdoor. 

"Danny I'm heading out" I yelled.

"Where you off to?" Danny asked as he exited the kitchen.

"To get Niall" I replied.

"He call?" I shook my head. "Then why are you going to get him?" He questioned.

"I just wanna make sure he's alright" I said. 

"He's with his friend Zayn I'm sure he's fine" Danny assured me.

"Yeah well I need to make sure" I stated before opening the frontdoor.

"Zayn" I turned around. "What's going on with you and Niall?" He asked. 

"Nothing. I just need to make sure he's alright" I replied before walking out the door closing it behind me. I walked down to my car and unlocked it before climbing in. I then quickly dialed Niall's number again, I sighed when it went to voicemail.

"Niall it's me again. Listen I'm getting worried now so I'm gonna drive to Harry's and get you. If you get this message before I get there just give me a ring and let me know your alright. Niall we need to talk about something important so please call me" I said before hanging up the phone, I sighed before placing it on the seat beside me. I then started up the car and pulled out the driveway.

The drive to Harry's was silent. Every few minutes I glanced over at my phone. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel everytime I got stuck in traffic. I just wanted to get there. I wanted to talk to Niall. If he's pregnant with my child I have the right to know. He can't just shut me out. I quickly looked over at my phone when I heard it ringing, I groaned when my dads name appeared on the screen, I quickly leaned over and pressed ignore. If there's a chance Niall's pregnant I want to be in the babys life. I want my child to have the childhood I never had. I don't want my child growing up only to live a life they don't truly want. Half hour later I arrived at Harry's. I quickly jumped out the car and slammed the door closed, I then walked up to his frontdoor and rang the doorbell. I took a step back and waited until the door was opened. 

"Em hello" I heard Harry speak, I smiled slightly.

"Hi Harry, I dunno if you remember me I'm Zayn. We met when you came over to see Niall" I reminded him, Harry nodded his head.

"Er yeah I remember" He replied. "What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Can I come in?" I questioned, Harry nodded his head slowly before stepping aside, I walked into his home and he closed the door behind us. "Where's Niall? He was supposed to text me to pick him but his phones been switched off since last night" I said, Harry bit his lip.

"He's not here" Harry said, I raised my eyebrow. "He left a while ago" Harry informed me.

"Well where is he? Where did he go?" I asked, Harry avoided looking at me. "Harry where is he?" I stated.

"I dunno" Harry whispered. 

"Clearly you do!" I stated, Harry took a step back, I sighed. "Look I'm sorry alright. Somethings going on with him and I wanna know what it is. By the look on your face you know what it is and you also know where he is. Harry you need to tell me" I exclaimed, Harry shook his head. 

"I tried telling him not to, I swear I did. I told him he needs to talk to you first" Harry chocked out.

"Harry where is he?!"  I approached him slowly and Harry took another step back. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need you to tell me where he is" Harry looked up at me. "Harry please I know you know what's going on" I pleaded. 

"It's complicated" Harry mumbled.

"He's been looking at pregnancy websites. Male pregnancy websites to be exact" I stated, Harry bit his lip again. "Harry please I have a right to know what's going on!" I exclaimed, Harry looked back up at me.

"Niall's pregnant" He revealed. My heart skipped a beat, I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. A small smile spread across my face. 

"R-Really?" I questioned, Harry nodded his head. My smile grew. I'm gonna be a daddy. "Well where is he? I need to see him. Were having a baby!" I stated, Harry shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I tried to tell him to talk to you. I told him you had the right to know, But he wouldn't listen to me. We had a huge argument" Tears were falling down Harry's face, I gently placed my hands on his shoulder.

"Where is he Harry?" I asked softly.

"The clinic. He's gonna book an abortion" My eyes shot open and I quickly shook my head. He can't do that. He can't just abort our baby.

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