Chapter 20

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"What...erased?" Tyler stammers, his mind trying to make sense of what I just revealed. I explain everything: the rebel house, going to the Reserve, Jacob dying. It doesn't seem to register to him. His face shows no emotion other than confusion. I keep going, telling him everything I remember. The one time his expression changes is when I mention the kiss. He frowns.

"Bit of a dick move. Injecting you after a kiss." He mumbles, earning an unexpected chuckle from me.

"I think you were too worried my stubbornness would get me killed." I say, and he gives me a small smile. "So, you believe me?"

"I mean, I don't know why you would lie about all of that." He admits with a sigh. "But I don't remember it."

"Cole said some stuff could trigger your old memories because it's difficult to erase everything. There's always a trace of something. Maybe...if you want...we could find what triggers your memories." I tell him. "Plus, if you are willing, he can give you your memories back."

"Um..." He laughs nervously. "This is...a lot. Everything feels flipped upside down."

"Right! Sorry." I stand up, backing away as if some space will help him process anything. "Just let me know if...oh, your notebook." Reaching into my bag, I pull out his black notebook and hand it to him. "You wrote about a lot in here. Maybe this will help."

As soon as Tyler's hands touch the notebook, his eyes squeeze shut and his face contorts into a pained expression. He presses his palm to his forehead, the notebook dropping to the floor as he groans softly.

"Tyler? Are you alright?" I ask, concern flooding into my voice as I pick up the notebook.

"My don't hear that?" He slowly opens his eyes, squinting as if the room is too bright.

"No..." I shake my head. He reaches for the notebook again, grimacing and shutting his eyes once more when his fingertips touch it.

"I....I gave this to you." He states, taking the notebook from me. My heart feels like it leaps into my throat and it takes me a moment to find my voice.

"Yes, you did."

"I'm remembering. I can see the memory. Just...a piece of it. But it's there." His voice sounds like a gasp. Cole was right.

"It seems like you're in pain-"

"I'm fine." He interrupts me, moving to his bed and laying down. Fiddling with his tablet, he dims the lights in his room until it's almost completely dark.

"I can get you-"

"Look," he snaps before immediately softening his tone and giving me an apologetic look. "I appreciate you telling me all this. Clearly, there's some truth here. But I need some time. I need to process this."

"Of course, I'm sorry. I'll leave you to that." I nod, walking out and shutting his door behind me. Taking a moment, I let out a long breath as I lean against the door. He remembers something, but it's hurting him. Did I do the wrong thing? I didn't even notice how the memories affected Alfie because there was so much going on. If Tyler is in pain just from one memory, what is bringing all of them back going to do to him?

I decide to escape my thoughts the one way I can think of: by going to see my sister Mary. She's feeding Elizabeth, both of them looking tired but content.

"Come to see your niece?" Mary asks, stroking the baby's head softly.

"Actually, I came to see you. I just wanted to chat. I need a break from everything." I sigh, sitting next to her.

"How did your test go? Did you find out if you're Level One yet?" She smiles at me.

"Not yet, but it was crazy." I tell her everything I can remember, the words spilling out of me as relief washes over. The power of confiding in someone is clearly something I overlooked. Her expression goes from shocked to calm, and after a while she clears her throat.

"I think you should let Tyler be..." Her voice is nearly a whisper. "The Kofali can be harsh, but when you're on their good side, things are so much easier."

"Mary," My mouth drops open. "I'm trying to be on their good side. But Tyler was starting to figure things out, I need to protect him."

"No, you don't. Rachel, he is a grown man. He can take care of himself."

"You would do the same for Rexon, don't tell me you wouldn't." I snap back, feeling my frustration rise. Mary sighs deeply.

"Love makes us do crazy things," she agrees. "But sometimes we need to step back and be logical. The Kofali have control here, and honestly they are trying to fix our planet. The more I watch them work the more I see the benefit in their presence. We would have destroyed this place if left to our own devices, and our children didn't deserve to grow up on a dying Earth." Her voice has so much passion I know she's being truthful. She hasn't been brainwashed by procedure, she's been brainwashed by propaganda. By the version of hope the Kofali are selling.

"Just because they are helping our planet doesn't give them the right to abuse and kill us." I retort, trying to control my anger.

"I agree their methods are extreme. But they aren't torturing and killing every single human. When we comply, they give us everything we need."

"Only while we are useful. Once we aren't, we're dead!" It takes everything in me not to raise my voice.

"Honestly, this world was going to suffer from overpopulation with everything the Kofali provide. A cure for every disease, fast treatment for nearly any injury, clean water and fresh food everywhere. I wish our species didn't have to die but....this gives Elizabeth a chance for a long, stress-free life."

I watch her smile again and she looks so much like my father. The warm brown eyes that crinkle when she smiles, the straight dark hair. But in every other way she's different. My father fought for us and for humanity. Mary is putting her family before everyone else.

At the start of the invasion, and maybe even when I left the Reserve, I would have agreed. People were cruel and selfish. There was violence, pollution, disease, and hatred. But everywhere I go now, I meet another human who shows me that humanity is worth it. There are people who want to have a world where everyone belongs. Where everyone is safe.

I walk away without another word, going into the medical center in search of Elliot. For whatever reason, I don't want to be alone right now. But I've only just walked in when I see Kofali dressed in scrubs transferring a stretcher from one room to the other. In a blur, I see Alfie on the stretcher, his expression completely blank. Elliot shows up, not even noticing me, demanding a status.

"Something went wrong in his second brainwash," One of the Kofali says curtly. "Vitals are fine. But he won't speak or respond when spoken to."

Author's Note: Thanks for reading, please vote if you enjoyed! Any theories on what's going to happen? Let me know in the comments!

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