Chapter 13

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Whether or not I thought keeping distant from Tyler was the right choice, he's now intersected in my life once again. I find myself glancing down at my tablet sometimes, seeing his name in the contact section, and trying to process that I can talk to him again. I've wanted to talk to him for so long. And yet, everything I used to want to say feels off the table. We're still starting from scratch, thanks to his brainwashing.

Three days pass before I reach out to him. I'd been training on my own, sort of avoiding him without meaning to, but I finally built up the courage to reach out. I ask him that evening if he's interested in training together, the nervousness fluttering in my stomach almost making me back out. His friendly agreement eases those feelings slightly.

When he appears at my doorway to walk me to the training facility, the urge to hug him returns again. I miss his warmth, his scent, the comfort he brought me. Only when he was taken from me did I realize how much I took for granted. I got used to trying to prepare myself the possibility of him dying. I had thought about losing him that way, forever. But I always thought that in his life, while he was alive, he would be here. By my side. With me.

I can't explain to someone that doesn't remember that I've now finally figured out how I feel. That they have my heart. They did for ages and I just never noticed or pushed it aside, because more important issues were at hand. Finding a way to live and finding my family were always at the forefront of my thoughts. Not what I felt about some boy.

"Don't look so excited." He teases, mistaking my expression for reluctance. "I promise I won't be too hard on you."

I know you won't, I think. But I reply with a nod and a smile instead. "Good."

Tyler insists on hand-to-hand combat, having heard rumors that the next test will involve it. Once we start, I quickly realize two things. The first is that a lot of this is muscle memory for me. My countless hours of training haven't gone to waste. The other is that his fighting is a little different. Less aggressive, more calculated. The memory wipe got rid of the fighting style he developed as a rebel, and his training here molded a new form. He's quicker, swifter....but I still have that rebel edge in me.

"Don't take it easy on me," I mutter under my breath as I feel him slow down. His jaw clenches as he scoffs.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He comes back twice as hard, and I fight back a smile. Rebel Tyler is still there. The Tyler I knew still exists. But I won't let him win. As soon as I feel him tire out again, I sweep his legs out from under him, pin him down, and place the barrel of my gun on his forehead. His deep blue eyes widen.

"Looks like I win." I grin down at him. He smiles back, impressed.

"You're...I can't even believe I offered you my help," He laughs. "You don't need it." I shake my head.

"It's good to practice. I don't want to lose what I've learned." I get off of him, holding out my hand to help him up. When he takes my hand, I relish in the warmth for a second too long.

"Learned? You're a natural." He grabs a water bottle off a nearby rack and takes a swig.

"No," It's my turn to laugh now. "I just had a good teacher." I look up at him, thinking back to all the days we trained together in the Ruins, in the yard of the rebel house. How he pushed me every day to be better than I ever thought I would be.

"I'll take your word for it." He replies. "Best two out of three?" A smirk takes over his features. I smirk back."

"You're on."


At breakfast the next day, there's an announcement over the speakers that my class rank's next virtual reality test is this afternoon. I have about 7 hours to mentally and physically prepare. With that in mind, I take plenty of extra portions of food and grab an electrolyte drink. Despite forming a new friendship with Tyler, I sit with Leah and Olivia, watching him sit with his new gang. A tall, dark-haired girl leans toward him to whisper in his ear. They both laugh, and she touches his shoulder. I can't help but look away.

"Gonna get your man back?" Leah quips with no shame, causing Olivia to almost choke on her electrolyte drink.

" what?" I sputter.

"Your man." Leah emphasizes. "Lover? Boy toy? Combat husband? Tyler!"

"He's not....I-"

"Please," She rolls her eyes at my blushing cheeks. "As if it wasn't completely obvious to everyone but you two. Ogling over each other every second. Gross."

"I...I didn't-"

"Wasn't it obvious, Olivia?"

"I mean, it kinda was, not gonna lie." Olivia grins at me, holding back a laugh.

"See?" Leah exclaims. "And this is coming from people who didn't know you as long. Ask Elliot if you don't believe us, but everyone can see it. So what's your plan?"

"To get his memories back?" I ask, and she nods. I sigh, staring at my food and picking at it. "I don't have any ideas yet on how to get them to come back on their own. But sometimes I wonder if it's for the best. He seems so...happy." I look at him again, watching him joke around with two other boys at the table.

"Ugh, you're hopeless." Leah waves me away and scowls. "I'm pretty sure Tyler would want his memories back. He wouldn't want this fake life. Neither would you."

Those words linger in my brain as I head to my room, planning on being alone until I get the alert to come down to my test. I should just focus on my life here, now that I have my family back. Enjoy my time while I have it, waiting to become a soldier and help the resistance overthrow the Kofali. If Tyler starts to remember on his own, great. I can't force it.

"Rachel Collins, report to 311A for testing." My tablet suddenly announces.

I report to the room in a daze, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever they could throw next. I barely acknowledge the instructor as I sit in the chair and he places the flat silver discs on my temples. My eyes are closed before he even counts down.

I feel the now-familiar feeling of free-fall before my feet touch the ground. I open my eyes, expecting to see something familiar. But nothing is familiar at all. Peach colored sand lays below my feet. To my right and left is a body of water, like an ocean. Ahead of me is what looks like red and purple earth, almost barren except for small patches of strange plants. All underneath a lilac sky, with a rising sun and a similar glowing orb following right next to it.

"Welcome to Kofal." The instructor's voice cuts through the sound of the waves. "You are tasked with surviving for 3 days. You will have 3 lives. There are many enemies, but you will find other classmates as well. It is up to you if you want to have allies or fend for yourself. Your test has now begun."

Author's Note: So good to be back again!!! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, and let me know what you are looking forward to with this series :)

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