Chapter 14

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The only thing I can sense is the familiar weight of Kofali armor from head to toe. My body remains paralyzed in this simulation of an alien planet as the instructor informs me on what is about to take place. I have three lives. I'll have my gun, which has the usual laser beams and tranquilizer darts equipped. There is a certain amount of points I will earn depending on "what" I kill, including fellow soldiers-in-training that are in the simulation with me. However, I won't know what the point values are until I make that kill. Then the number, along with my point total, will show up in my field of vision like some kind of virtual reality video game. The more points I earn, the more likely I'll advance to be a Level One soldier. But if I do not survive, I won't make Level One or Two, and will have to wait to re-test.

Before I know it, I can move my body again, and everything about this new world hits me all at once. The hot sun beating down overhead and reflecting blindingly off the water. The smell of the ocean and air so clean and untouched by pollution that I can't help but take a deep breath. Peach sand, crisp blue water, lush green jungle, scarlet dry earth in the distance beyond the plants: every color is vivid to the point of looking unnatural. All of this momentarily distracts my anxious brain into a false sense of calm as I forget for just a moment why I'm here.

I look around on the beach that I was placed. No one can be seen nearby where I am. One can only guess where they were placed in this world and what awaits me. I briefly wonder if anyone I know is here. Actually, I hope like hell at least one person is and that I can find them. Sounds are coming from the jungle as I step forward, like a chorus of birds or maybe insects.

Lowering the visor on my helmet, I keep going when the sand under my feet becomes dirt and grass. Immediately I see a source of some of the noise. In the trees above me are small creatures that remind me of monkeys. Their bodies are long and thin, but a scaly metallic aquamarine color instead of brown fur. The ears are also pointed and fanned out, the insides like rainbow butterfly wings. As I walk, their large eyes peer at me as they pick and eat what look like purple clementines. Chattering among themselves, they don't seem alarmed or threatened by me.

When my eyes focus on the creatures, words show up in my vision ready to explain what I'm seeing. These animals are called rewoms. They are generally harmless and friendly omnivores. The fruit they are eating is ecka. It is not poisonous to humans, but it can taste very sour to us. I pluck a few off of a low branch anyway just to be safe as I remember the barren dry land further out, putting the ecka in the white messenger bag I was provided.

On guard for whatever else lies ahead, I step forward quietly regardless of the "friendly" creatures chattering above me. I note several beautiful flowers in every size, shape, and color of the rainbow. The description of one catches my eye. Athleia: a bright cerulean flower with satin-like pointed petals that glow at night, used to make a healing serum or paste. This is the flower responsible for creating the miracle product that saved Tyler from succumbing to the darthra bites. Nothing in the data in my field of vision states how to create these healing items, but it does say the flower is not poisonous to touch. I pick three and add them to the bag.

The second I do that, I realize the rewom creatures are calling out before fleeing and whatever else contributes to the melody of the jungle have gone silent. My eyes scan the dense surrounding of plants, looking for the source of the alarm. Seeing and hearing nothing, I move quickly hoping to find a place to take shelter. I've only made it a few meters when I hear a low, familiar growl. Darthra.

I turn my head to meet the gaze of the monster I've seen many times before. This one is bigger, well-fed, yet all the features are the same as I remember. Golden-yellow eyes. Long, pointed fangs. Black reptilian skin. The weak spot is between the eyes. Digital words show up in my field of vision: the name of the creature and the point value for killing it, but I don't have time to read. I have to act.

Reaching for my gun, I realize the dartha is not looking at me. It's looking behind me. The ground vibrates subtly below my feet. When my hand touches my gun, an alien-like screech deafens me. I can't help but jerk my head around. It's a creature akin to a scorpion, burgundy in color and larger than the darthra. I'm cornered. Screwed.

The darthra howls. More are coming. I aim at the new creature and begin firing, finding small relief as it falters in its advance. Turning to face the darthra and try to get one shot off, I'm too late. The dartha is already running. But not toward me. Toward the new monster. It whips past me, latching on to the scorpion creature and sinking its teeth in.

The scorpion-creature's name flashes in my vision: Nepius. Weak spot: the underbelly. The nepius lets out another deafening shriek, attempting to stab the darthra with its pointed tail. The two creatures continue to fight, each straining to gain dominance. If this was real life, I would consider running. Due to the test, I wait. The opportunity comes when the week spot of the nepius is exposed. I take the shot quickly, firing twice for good measure. It wails before going quiet, strange purple liquid spilling from its shell.

The dartha stares at me, its demeanor changing. It doesn't growl or advance towards me. Instead, it lets out a small whine. Its injured. Vulnerable. The point value of the nepius flashes in my field of vision as if urging me to make the next kill: 1,500. But this change in the darthra throws me off so much I don't move. It licks its wounds, letting out another whine. I feel my left hand letting go of the trigger. Reaching into my bag. Fingers grazing flower petals.

A bright blue laser beam zaps past me, straight into the darthra. It yelps in pain, but another laser strikes between the eyes before it can move. I turn around in shock, seeing another white helmeted figure come toward me.

"You ok?" A male voice emits from the helmet. I nod quickly, pressing the button that opens the visor. The other person does the same. Dark brown eyes stare back at mine. "Didn't want the points?" He asks, making a joke while somehow keeping his voice flat.

"I, uh...." I stammer. " acted it wouldn't hurt me. It was weird."

"It's just a test. I wouldn't worry about it." He steps toward me, studying me carefully. "I'm Jason Vasher. You?"

"Rachel Collins." For some reason, that seems to get the tiniest of smiles out of him. It quickly disappears, and I take it he doesn't smile too often.

"I met up with a few others earlier and we found shelter. Wanna come with?" He asks, pointing toward a cleaning in the distance.

"Sure." I nod, walking with him. We pass a cluster of scarlet and magenta flowers that almost seem to sparkle. "This place is....wild, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Feels a little overwhelming." Jason replies, taking off his helmet once we get to the clearing. I do the same, and he turns his eyes to me immediately. "Knew you looked familiar." He mutters so quietly I almost don't hear him.

"Me?" I swear I've never seen him before. Not in the cafe on my meal breaks. Not in training. Not in class. And his name definitely doesn't ring a bell.

"You look a little different without the pink ribbon in your hair." Is all he says, the faint smile returning before he turns and walks again. On the back of his neck, despite his dark skin I can see three words inked on. "VICTORIA AUT MORS." I've seen that before. Out in the Ruins. The graffiti mural that showed the rebels fighting back against the Kofali soldiers.

I don't know Jason Vasher. But he knows me.

Because he's not only a rebel. He's a rebel who remembers.

Author's Note: Please vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, I really appreciate it! Also, let me know how many of you enjoy fantasy and would be interested in me uploading a fantasy series onto Wattpad :)

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