Chapter 23

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The free time to do as we please goes by in an instant. The hours Tyler and I spent making up for lost time felt like seconds, and now we have to prepare to leave the mothership. It's a whirlwind of saying goodbye to my family and friends, and trying to push down the feelings of dread rising up in me. I haven't been to the Reserve in months, I have no idea what kind of scene awaits me.

I spend my final moments on the mothership packing a bag in my room when an aggressive knock interrupts me. When I open the door, I'm greeted by a Kofali guard whose violet eyes betray no emotion.

"Commander Klisa would like to speak with you. Come with me." He says, grabbing my arm and dragging me away before I can reply. My mind spins. She wants to see me specifically? Am I in trouble? I thought I was doing a decent job at hiding my lack of brain-washing. Maybe in my recent whirlwind of emotions with Tyler I wasn't as careful as I thought.

Fear sends a shiver down my spin as the guard leads me through a series of rooms only he can unlock with his ID bracelet. When the final door opens, I'm almost blinded by the amount of natural light in the room. High ceilings and tall windows remind me of an office lobby in a large skyscraper, everything a sterile white or silver. Commander Klisa welcomes me with a smirk as she sits on a white sofa, petting a darthra that's as still as a statue next to her. A single, low growl is my indication that the darthra is very real. With a click of her tongue, the commander silences the darthra instantly.

The silence feels heavy as the tension in the room mounts. Commander Klisa motions for the guard to seat me on the metal stool across from her, and he does so with a force that makes me think I am very much in trouble. I try to remain composed, attempting to keep my breathing even. Clearing my throat, I wish her good morning in the most natural way I can muster. She chuckles.

"In Kofali culture, it's rude to speak to the elite before you are spoken to, Miss Rachel," she tells me, her smile widening as my face pales.

"I'm sorry, Commander," I lower my gaze.

"No matter, humans love to be ignorant." She pauses, her expression slowly neutralizing. "I brought you here because my people have run into an issue and we think you could be useful. I am sure you are starting to remember things that we have worked to erase. It happens to many of our human soldiers, unfortunately." My fists clench as my throat dries. She not only knows, she expected this.

"The problem is," She pauses for a moment, turning on a screen above her. A video feed shows a room similar to the one where brainwashing and simulation testing takes place. A girl is laid back in the chair, her eyes closed and the metal discs placed on each temple. A guard removes the discs and her eyes open. My stomach clenches. Her green eyes show she is alive and blinking, but nothing more. No emotion. No thoughts. No sense she knows where she is or who she even is at all. The light that makes her human is gone.

"Once memories start coming back and we realize it as the person rebels, we only have so many chances to do the procedure over again before their brain cannot take it anymore. At a certain point, they become useless." The Commander gauges my reaction. I stare at the girl in the video feed, her jaw slack and her shoulders slumped. Her gaze stares straight ahead, never moving.

"So, we have come up with an idea. Based on your influence with the humans, we will make you an example of a prime and willing soldier. Someone who fully believes in our cause no matter what our methods. People already look up to you. You're the perfect face to show to the Reserves and the people on this ship. We will have you give reports and updates on the evening broadcasts and send you to Reserves as needed."

I swallow to clear a lump in my throat. Here I was, thinking I was doing so well at hiding and finally could keep my family and friends safe. All this time here was a false sense of security. And Commander Klisa was another reminder that Kofali and humans could never coexist.

"What if I refuse?" I ask, knowing that the consequences would be harsh but needing to know the full extent of what I'm getting myself into.

"Well, your friend would be the first to suffer." She smiles in a way that's much too happy for her words, changing the screen to show video feed of Alfie on the operating table. I look back at the commander, my anger rising. The darthra seems to sense my emotion and gives another growl while the Commander matches my gaze with a challenging look of her own. "He's very close to becoming useless. I'm sure you don't want that."

"Of course, Commander," I make my tone polite again.

"Stay in line and your family and friends will have full protection." She promises, leaning back against the couch. "I'm really not asking for a lot, Miss Rachel. Not yet."

I want to ask her what she means, but with a wave of her hand she dismisses me and the guard drags me out of the room. Once I'm back in the hallway and the doors are locked behind me I'm released. Going back to my room, I pack in a daze, the fear building in me too much to tell anyone what just happened.

When it's time, I board the ship to the Reserve, ignoring the concerned look I get from Tyler. The ship is too small for our soldiers to sit, so we are forced to stand and hold on to the handrails overhead. I look out the window as the mothership fades into the distance. Long stretches of destroyed neighborhoods and cities come into view. Untouched forests, probably full of outsiders and rebels, pass by as do fields speckled with silver ships and white armored soldiers just like us. From the air, I can see the full scope of Kofali control, and it's haunting. This world is theirs, and there is nothing we can do.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading, be sure to vote and comment! Also, I am working on publishing The Divide! Follow my instagram ellenolanauthor for updates and be on the lookout to sign up for my email newsletter for free chapters and potentially free or discounted published copies. Thanks for all your support after all this time :)

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