Chapter 22

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I wake up to the sound of my tablet spouting an alarm. Startled, I realize I dozed off on my tiny couch waiting to hear back from Tyler. I snatch my tablet quickly, hoping to see his name of the screen. My heart falls. The message isn't from him, it's from the Level One Training Corps.


It's much later in the morning than I thought. I shoot off a message to Tyler asking if he's okay, getting dressed and heading off to the training room. To my relief, I spot Leah and Olivia seated near the front. I join them, listening to Leah describe the way she wanted to beat up this guy in the mess hall for flirting with her.

"Hey, ladies," A familiar voice says, and I turn to see Tyler sit next to me. I stifle a sigh of relief that he's alive.

"You look like shit, Tyler," Leah raises a brow. His eyes are bloodshot and his face is pale.

"Late night," He replies vaguely, giving me a knowing smirk. I smile back hesitantly. Did it work? Does he remember?

I can barely focus on the meeting once it begins. My mind keeps dwelling on Tyler, Alfie, the native Kofali in that room, and everything else that's a mess. The one thing that perks up my attention is the word Reserve. The Kofali at the front of the room repeats himself for emphasis, saying that we will be stationed at one of the Reserves to help keep things under the control. We have been selected to go to Reserve #06. A picture of it flashes on the screen and my mouth drops.

I know all Reserves look the same. White homes and white buildings and white uniforms for miles. But the Kofali have selected a picture to show that this Reserve needs our help. And this picture shows the Darthra attacking humans and Kofali. I know the Reserve is the one I lived in.

I look over to Tyler to see his eyes lock onto mine. We don't say a word but our expressions say everything. This is disguised as just a normal mission, but this may as well be another test. They want to see how well we obey them. And the only mission they have in mind is showing these people that I am on the Kofali side.

"Hello, Level One Recruits," A video starts playing of a Kofali woman in uniform, a high white collar covering most of her neck. Her curly auburn hair is in a low bun while her violet eyes glint as if this is the most excited she has been in ages. Seated next to her in the frame is a Darthra, still as a statue except for it's blinking golden eyes.

"I am Klisa, your Elite Commander. My mother is in charge of all Kofali, and I am next in charge," I try to keep my expression neutral at this revelation. This is the sister of Cole and Kira. "I am honored that you have joined our mission. Please know that your dedication does not go unnoticed. With your aid, we are headed toward a better Earth. Soon, there will be peace. A world free of disease, pollution, climate change, and violence. And it will be all thanks to you." With a tight lipped smile that sends a chill down my spine, the video ends and we are dismissed.

"Did you see that demon dog just sitting next to her?" Olivia mutters under her breath as we leave.

"Yeah," Tyler scoffs. "It's like she wanted us to really see she was in charge."

"Whatever," Leah rolls her eyes. "Bet I could easily take her in a fight. She looks frail."

"These aliens get more annoying every day." Olivia sighs.

"You know, I'd been talking to Kira and she mentioned an older sister," Leah says. "Never would have guessed the sister was a commander. This chick seems like a snob. Even more than Kira is. No wonder she holds a grudge about not being next in line for the throne."

"I wonder why Kira wouldn't be. She seemed pretty devoted for a while." I tell them, thinking back to when Kira sold us out when we went to the Reserve and almost got us all killed. Jacob and Abe were dead because of that.

"She said in their culture, because she was born as a twin with a male she was considered 'tainted'." Leah stifles a laugh. "Which, I mean, I get it. Men are pretty gross." No wonder their mother didn't seem to care what Kira and Cole did. Maybe Kira was desperate to still gain her mother's approval.

"Rachel," Tyler grabs my arm, pulling me aside. "If you have time, can we meet in your room to talk?" I nod, leading the way. Once I shut the door behind us, he takes me in his arms and hugs me so tight I can barely breathe. But I'm so overwhelmed with relief and happiness that I don't mind.

"I take it the procedure went well?" I ask with a laugh, taking him into the bathroom again and running the water so we can't be heard. He grins and nods in return.

"It was....painful. And it was hard to handle all the new and old memories conflicting with each other. I felt dizzy and sick for a while. All I wanted to do was see you, but I needed to rest..."

"It's alright, I understand," I take his hands to reassure him.

"I never wanted to abandon you," He starts.

"I know, it wasn't your fault," I interrupt him. He stares at me for a moment without saying anything, his dark blue eyes shifting through several emotions at once. Without warning, he brings his lips to mine for a gentle kiss. All the heat rushes to my cheeks as my heart begins to pound. Just as quickly as he kisses me, he pulls away.

"I'm sorry," he chuckles.

"Don't be," I can't stop myself from beaming at him, feeling almost dizzy from the rush.

"It's stupid. I should catch up with Elliot and ask about Alfie....but all I could think about was you," He admits, his face turning red. My heart skips a beat.

"I know how you feel," I say breathlessly. "But we've been through hell and back. We should be allowed to think about and do what makes us happy too."

"You're right," He mutters under his breath. "This first. Mission stuff later." With a smirk, he takes my face in his hands and kisses me again. Every last thought about saving the world and every worry about the new mission melts away. All I can think about is his hands moving to my waist and how I never want this to end. For one moment, nothing else matters.


Author's Note: Exciting news!!!! I am in the process of editing The Divide so that it can be published later this year! I will be creating a website soon, but for now follow my instagram at ellenolanauthor for updates :)

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