Chapter 10

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Ever since entering this ship, it seems that our lives are just full of more questions. Two days go by before I can visit Mary, and the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach, the nervousness fluttering through me, and the confusion making my head spin never goes away. As I walk to meet up with Elliot and my family so that we can see Mary for the first time, I'm hoping with every part of me that Mary can help us understand just a little bit more.

When the lab room door opens and we walk in to see her, she looks beautifully radiant. There's a warmth in her smile that fills the whole room as she holds her newborn. She greets us excitedly. It's the same Mary I left behind in the Reserve, with kind eyes and a gentle voice, but at the same time I can see that she's changed. I can't pinpoint how, but I've known her long enough to notice the subtle differences.

The baby's name is Elizabeth, after our grandmother. I can tell my mother appreciates that as she tears up when she holds the baby girl. But my parents don't prod Mary. They chat with her like everything is normal. They let Annie tell her about all the kids she's met on the ship. They're tiptoeing in their conversations, not sure if Mary is brainwashed or how brainwashed she is.

When my parents and Annie leave to let her rest, I stay behind. The air between us is different now. We're not strangers by any means, but she can tell I've changed too. A part of me wants to tell her everything. About being in the Divide, about finding the rebels, about going back to the Reserve, about finding my father....but my voice only chokes out one word as I look down at Elizabeth.


Mary's expression changes. Sadness takes over her features and she can't meet my gaze.

"I'm sure you remember how much I always wanted to be a mother," Her voice is quiet, and I sit next to her on the bed to hear. "When the invasion happened, I didn't think I would get that chance. I thought I would die before that happened, and then when we were placed in the Reserve I felt I would never be allowed. If I escaped, I felt that the world out there wasn't safe to bring a child into anymore. I pretty much gave up on the idea. And then...I...I fell in love."

Tears are streaming down her face. I take her hand in mine.

"He was a guard at the Reserve prison where I was taken. His name was Rexon. He was kind to all of the prisoners, even if they were nasty to him. He snuck me extra food, and when I was moved into solitary confinement he would whisper to me through the food slot so that I wasn't alone. We would talk for hours. Without expecting it, I fell for him. I knew he was Kofali, but I could tell he really cared about the humans. He really cared about me. He told me about a resistance group within the Kofali that he was a part of, and he was in the process of getting me transferred under their protection to the main ship. And that's exactly what he did. But once I got here, I realized before he even explained it to me that there was only one way for us to acceptably be together on this ship out in the open without having to hide. So I agreed to this with him."

Her words slowly start to sink in. I can sense the love she has for Rexon in her voice. It's clear to me that her love is deep and true. But at the same time, this whole story is so much to take in. I think of Cole and Kira, who we saw for so long as regular people. Of course someone could fall for them at some point. And even though we know now how different they are from us, I can see how they'd fall for us too. That could be what drove many of them to join the resistance despite how much their people as a whole seemed to hate us.

"Speak of the devil," Mary laughs through her tears as the doorway opens to reveal a man with curly blond hair and violet eyes. When he looks at my sister I can tell he loves her too. He greets her with a kiss before introducing himself to me. He seems happy to meet me, telling me my sister has talked about me a lot. I look at Mary again, seeing her filled to the brim with happiness. Thinking about how I would do anything for my friends because of my love for them makes me start to understand her choices. You can't help who you love, and the fact that the love drives almost everything you do.

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