Chapter 8

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A plethora of emotions rush through me at the site of Tyler only being a few meters away. I remember everything we experienced together. Everything he made me feel: the happiness, the sadness, the anger. But he doesn't. His memories involving me were taken from him. My heart aches yet somehow it seems wrong to feel that way. I watch him greet an older man and woman, embracing them. I can faintly hear him call them mom and dad. He doesn't have any recollection of the pain, sadness, and stress anymore. He's happy, for once. Reunited with his family which was what he wanted just as much as me.

I want to run up and hug him but I know I can't. I want to tell him everything that's happened since he was taken from us but I can't. It's like being trapped by an invisible wall. Or looking at the ghost of who someone used to be. He was my way of knowing I was going to be okay, but not from his presence alone. From the way he looked at me. That look isn't there anymore.

He's so happy, though. I could never have dreamed seeing him this happy and relaxed. In my mind, he's not plagued by nightmares anymore. He probably goes to bed with a smile on his face, and wakes up with one too. If I could find a way to get the old Tyler back, would I really do it? Wanting the Tyler I know back almost feels selfish looking at him now.

"Thank God I found you," Leah's voice interrupts my staring. She plops down a tray piled high with food as she takes a seat next to me. "Don't judge, okay? I look sickly compared to all the people here, gotta start bulking up." When she smirks I'm almost taken aback. This is not the demeanor I would have expected from someone who just lost the person closest to them. Her brother seemed like he was her everything.

"Good to see you, Rach," Olivia says as she sits with us. "Careful, Leah, your system might not be able to handle all that just yet. Don't forget." Her light tone seems forced, but she gives me a look that doesn't match it. Her eyes are sad and pleading. I think back to Kieran lying on the ground, a bullet in his head. I remember Leah screaming in agony. Razec had asked me if there was anything I wanted to forget and I shudder. Leah must have chosen to forget Kieran, or at least his death, so that she could keep going. She chose to forget because she knew it would be too painful.

"It's so nice to see Tyler and Alfie here." Rebecca joins us as well, her voice so detached from emotion that I have no idea if she's being sarcastic or not.

"You've seen them?" Olivia perks up.

"Yup. They clearly don't remember me but at least they seem healthy and happy." She stares at her food, not eating it. Suddenly, she stands up. "I think I'll eat in my room." We watch as she walks off, and that's when I see Alfie a couple of tables down, laughing at something a girl whispered to him.

"That must be so hard," Olivia frowns. "I'm sorry, Rachel. We'll figure out a way to get him to remember."

I nod, not really sure what else to say. There's gotta be a way. I know there has to be, but can we do it?

"Do you think you'll talk to him?" Leah asks, glancing over at Tyler.

"Um...I-" I look at him again, losing my words when his eyes catch mine for a second. He goes back to eating his food. "I don't think it would be a good idea. For me. Not right now."

"Yeah, I understand." Leah tries to give me a reassuring smile. "I kinda want to talk to them, but it doesn't really feel right."

"Rachel," Elliot's relieved voice lights me up. I turn around, seeing him smile and hold back tears as I catapult into his arms.

"I'm so happy you're alright!" I feel the tears overflowing in my eyes too. His screams of pain were my sick lullaby night after night. Just knowing that he doesn't have to go through that anymore gives me so much relief.

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