Chapter 5

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I barely sleep, the anxiousness keeping me up for most of the night. Even the smallest sliver of hope that I could see Mary again or free Tyler, Alfie, and Molly is all I need to convince me to do this. Whatever's going on with them, no matter how horrific, I need to help. I know it's crazy, I know it's irrational, I know I could die, but that's all okay with me. If I stay still any longer and do nothing, I know I'll go crazy.

Goodbyes are quick, and just like that, we are on the road. On the hunt for Razec. It's me, my mother, Damien, Elliot, Rebecca, Leah, and Kieran. We're all led by Kira, slowly cruising with the hover, her tablet in hand. No one really talks. With the cooler autumn breeze, I feel like I can actually relax a little for once. I gaze up at the trees, different shades of sunset orange, candy apple red, and golden yellow. The sky is pink and purple with the sunrise. Crickets still chirp quietly, although not as many birds are around to sing anymore. When we stop for our first break, I actually have to work to tear my eyes away from the leaves and the sky.

"I've been thinking," Kira announces to us as we take a seat on a fallen log. "When you all go in for Razec, I'll stay on the outside. That way when my people come I can use the darts on you myself and make sure you get into an ally ship."

"Sounds good," Damien says after a large chug of water. "Just don't get caught."

"I won't," She smiles softly, and only then do I notice that she's put in her blue contacts.

"How do those...I those do anything else?" My mother asks what we've all failed to. "Your species is so advanced I imagine they do more than change your eye color."

"Yes," Kira's face falls, and I feel myself tense slightly. "I know this may sound bad, but I promise it's not that bad. They record anything I want. And I can send those recordings back to the ships. It's convenient and an easy way to update them. But....I can use them for myself too. I can look back on memories without having to get them extracted or copied. I don't have to undergo the procedure we put you all through. And I know what I'm looking at is what actually happened, versus memories that could be tainted based on a number of factors."

We're all quiet for a moment, taking it in. It makes sense, and I don't really see anything to be angry about. It's a little unsettling but not too bad. We have enough trust in Kira that no one questions her. Even if they are suspicious, at this point there isn't much they can do about it.

"I'm gonna have to ask for those if we end up on that ship," Damien jokes, earning a laugh out of everyone including Kira.

We head off again, and this time my mother joins Kira up in front. They talk quietly with smiles on their faces. For the first time in a long time, I see not just curiosity, but true wonder in my mother's eyes. I think about how happy I am to have her with me, and how much happier I'll be when we find Mary.

Nightfall comes slowly, as most of the day is walking through woods and on empty roads. According to Kira, we're close. This means it's time for her to fall back, only being our aid if needed. She hands the tablet to Damien so we can still find our way, but pretty soon we will have to observe the place and figure out a way in. This could be bigger than the Peterson house, bigger than any place any of us have ever come across. And the clock is ticking before the Kofali reinforcements find it.

"Stop!" Leah whispers sharply all of a sudden, and one by one we all freeze. "Does anyone else hear that?" We pause, waiting for the sound to hit our ears. The hair on the back of my neck stands up when I catch the noise. It sounds like running. And gasping. Someone is running from something, but what? Darthra? Outsiders?

Guns are drawn. Somehow, when I was hunting earlier with my mom, the memories didn't bother me too much. But the fear and anticipation of what could be coming our way seems to trigger it all back. I see the horrible images and hear the sounds that accompany them, and in an instant my mind is not present on this earth anymore. I can feel the cold metal of the gun in my hands, the perspiration on my palms and my forehead and the back of my neck, and the heat in my cheeks. But everything else flooding my senses is from the past. Until the threat makes itself known.

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