Chapter 15

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I have so many questions I want to ask Jason Vasher, yet I know it's too risky to voice them. At least right now when we're trapped in a simulation, our every word monitored. So I choose to follow him silently. He doesn't say anything else the rest of the way.

We come across a house that reminds me of the white brick homes I lived in when I was still in the Reserve. These homes, however, are much larger and more luxurious. Walking in, there's plush chairs and couches, advanced-looking screens on the walls, and exotic plants decorating almost every corner. A man who seems to be around the same age as Jason comes forward.

"Hey Vasher," He nods, his green eyes narrowing. "Who'd you drag in?"

"This is Rachel. She took down a nepius on her own." Jason replies.

"A what now?" He takes a bite of some bright green fruit as he studies me.

"Scorpion monster thing." Jason answers, setting his gear on one of the nearby tables. "I'm exhausted. Showers work?"

"Yup," The guy replies, apparently deciding I am no longer in the room as he picks at his fruit and walks away.

"That's Greg." Jason tells me as he heads toward the staircase. "You can have the bedroom upstairs on the left. I'll take the couch. There's plenty of fruit in the fridge. Help yourself."

As if on cue, my stomach growls. It's a strange feeling. Being hungry but knowing it's not real, just a simulation. I walk toward what I assume to be the kitchen and open the sleek silver door of the fridge.

"Green fruit is sweet, red is sour." Greg mumbles as he walks by, startling me.

"Thanks," I stammer, grabbing a red fruit. The skin feels like a strawberry, and one bite fills my mouth with a tart juice. It's delicious, but a bit strong. I almost choke trying to swallow the juice.

"Told ya." He smirks. "You're welcome to take a nap. I know Vasher plans to. I'll keep watch. Maybe get lucky and get some more points before the sun goes down."

"Ok." I nod as he walks out. There's a part of me that would love nothing more than to get out of this armor, shower, and take a nap. Every muscle in my body is aching for rest after the past few hours I just had. But we only have 3 days here. Will I be able to get enough points to make it to Level One?

I decide to take a short nap in the bedroom upstairs. All the furniture and sheets are a light cream color, and everything smells like fresh clean laundry. Something about the sunset filtering through the window makes the room feel even more comforting. I slide out of the armor, feeling relief as it heavily clunks to the ground. Slipping into the covers, I set an alarm on the clock next to me for 30 minutes.

The fatigue from the past few hours causes me to doze off quickly. Surprisingly, I dream in this simulation. I'm in a field full of yellow flowers that smell heavenly. The sun is bright. Birds are singing. My body feels warm, happiness thickly flowing through me like honey. No worry. No stress. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Not since before the invasion.

Off in the distance, I can see a figure. It's a guy. Something about him feels familiar. I don't feel threatened. He begins to walk toward me and his features slowly come into view. Brown hair. Dark eyes. A smile that I know.

"Tyler?" The name slips past my lips without me even realizing it.

"Rachel," He's grinning now. I run toward him, unable to help myself. He opens his arms out of instinct and I leap into them. I clutch him to me, savoring the familiar warmth and scent of him. Tears sting my eyes.

"I've missed you so much," My voice chokes. "It's been hell without you. I-"

The alarm blares next to me, harshly pulling me away from my pleasant dream. I open my eyes slowly. Reluctantly. Tears collect on the pillowcase. Slamming my hand on the clock to turn off the alarm, I stay under the covers for a moment as the pleasant feeling of warmth quickly fades away. I'm alone again, but I cling to the feeling of that dream for as long as I can.

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