Chapter 9

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            We arrived in a field camp, and Reed and I supervised the troops as they unpacked our machines

            Then we walked to the general.

            “General, give us one mile perimeter,” Reed said, the rest of us flanking him.

            “Forget it, Richards, you had your shot, and you blew it,” he said. “This is a military operation, so jam the signal, get out of the way, and let us do our job.”

            “You don’t understand,” Reed started, but the general interrupted him.

            “No, you don’t understand,” General Haeger said. “So let me make it clear for you and your pack of freaks here.” At that, my hands iced. “I’m the quarterback. You’re on my team. Got it? But I guess you never played football in high school.”

            He walked away and I felt the snowball form in my hand. No one talks to Reed like that. No one talks to my friends like that.

            “You’re right,” Reed said. “I didn’t play football in high school. I stayed in and studied like a good little nerd. And 15 years later? I’m one of the greatest minds of the 21st century. I’m engaged to the hottest girl on the planet.  And the big jock who played quarter back in high school? Well, he’s standing in front of me, asking for my help. And I say he’s not going to get a damn thing, unless he does exactly what I tell him and starts treating my friends and me with a little respect.”

            They had a stare off, and the general smiled a little.

            “Give him what he wants,” the general said, walking away. 

            I blinked, eyes wide. Go Reed.

            Sue walked over by him. “I am so hot for you right now.”

            Johnny walked over, and put his arm around Reed’s neck from behind, causing them to switch powers. “Me too.”

            “Careful Johnny,” Reed warned, and I laughed. “Okay, here’s what we do.”


            We trekked through the forest to our separate locations.

            I got to the fifth point, on the farthest side from the camp, in between Sue and Johnny’s positions.

            I extended the legs, and set it down carefully. I took the top off, and spotted the vile-like battery that would engage it.

             “What’s your status?” Reed asked over the coms.

            “Yeah, I’m good to go,” Ben said.

            “Same here,” Johnny said.

            “Good here,” Sue said.

            “Almost there,” I said, and heard something crash to my left. I turned and saw the surfer coming towards me. I touched my com. “Guys. We have a slight problem.”

            “What’s wrong?” Reed asked.

            “He’s here,” I said, and looked down at the pulsar then back at him.

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