I'm Sorry...

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You might not have suspected this on my part, but to be completely truthful with you guys...

I haven't completely told you everything about me...

There's been this growing anxiety and guilt built up within me ever sinced I joined Wattpad and the official GameToons community back in approximately May. I was paranoid about people already finding out what's really going on with me as an individual.

It's at this point the cold, hard truth is unbearable to keep a secret from you guys, because you'll have found out one way or another.

I know some of you will be immediately disappointed and quite a few of you may unfollow me and block me from any social media that you currently use and that's understandable...

Just, please know that whatever happens whether you'll despise me or not...will not change my view on you guys whatsoever...whether it be how you brighten my day...or make me laugh as a guy who loves comedy...or how you're the awesome side of the community that's always around to support me and everyone else. You really did get me to come out of my shell...and that won't ever change...

Please brace yourself for what's about to come...

I, Bootieos...

...have Cyan and Purple as my two favourite colours.

have Cyan and Purple as my two favourite colours

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Yeah...I'm so sorry guys...The truth really hurts...

I..uh...I think I'm gonna leave forever...



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