A Scry for Help

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The creature in front of Odwin and Amity looked like an eagle at first glance

That was until they saw the 2nd pair of wings and the tail

The creature had 4 wings, a dark gray beak and a long feathery tail that swept the floor of the it's cage

"What even is this thing?" Asked Amity raising a brow

"I know what eagles are, but i've never seen this one before" said Odwin staring at the bird in front of him in confusion

Then the creature moved slightly. It was opening it's eyes, the bird's eyes were a light blue color, no sclera, no pupils, all blue. The bird flapped it's wings as if stretching them before noticing the twins staring at it

"It's woke up" said Amity staring at the bird

And the bird was staring at them, silently, as if inspecting them

Odwin extended his hand towards the bird, to try and touch it

"Hello there little gu-OW!!!" said Odwin before the bird pecked his finger "It bit me! Ow! It really hurts!"

Odwin put his finger in his mouth to cool it down before speaking

"We should throw it out, dad probably just picked this without thinking" said Amity with a frown, glaring at the bird angrily

"Nah, this is probably the first and last time i get something from dad...as much i dislike him, i don't want that to go to waste" said Odwin with a frown before lifting the cage and dodging a peck from the eagle like creature "Now we need to find out what it is"

"Can you at least use some beast keeping magic to make stop attacking?"

Odwin shrugged before drawing the magic circle for beast keeping magic

The magic only managed to anger the bird


"Ok, I'm really grateful you're in the abomination track right now" said Odwin staring at the eagle like creature in a bird cage held by an abomination "first, the Covention, then mom, then this. Could this day get any worse?!"

"I really hope not" said Amity in frustration with a frown on her face

The two had made it to the empty library in search of the name of bird's species after having to use an abomination to hold the cage upon learning that beast keeping magic didn't work on the bird

"Okay, so we need to find a bird that looks like an eagle, has blue eyes, 4 wings, a long tail and is immune to oracle and beast keeping magics" said Odwin tiredly "Fantastic pet if you ask me, can't be controlled nor reasoned with"

The bird raised it's voice angrily as if it understood Odwin's words

"Shut it before you become our dinner tonight" threatened Amity angrily

The bird glared at Amity before deciding to stay silent. Seeing that the bird stopped making noise in the library, Amity spoke

"It's a good thing today's a covention day, It'd be bad if we got in trouble with Malphas because of the noise" said Amity tiredly as she slumped forwards

Then, a presence crept behind Odwin and Amity, causing them to stiffen as they recognized that shadow

"Making noise in the library is never okay" said the figure coldly, causing the twins to turn around slowly "but I'll make an exception for today"

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