Understanding Odwin part 1

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"So, what are we gonna do with Ed and Em?" Asked Odwin tiredly as he walked next to Amity with Minerva on his shoulder

Odwin, Amity and Minerva were now heading back to Blight manor from their previous adventure at the library

"I don't know, but i think anything is fine as long as we don't make a mess" replied Amity tiredly

"I guess electrocution is fine" said Odwin with a smile before Minerva chirped tiredly to the answer in approval to which Odwin replied to with an affectionate scratch under the chin.

The three soon made their way back home without trouble, but they knew the real trouble was inside. The twins really hoped that their parents didn't have anything to say about their late arrival. The two opened the door and made their way inside silently. Ed and Em were in the living room, cheerfully browsing through Odwin's illusion magic book. Odwin, deciding to get his book back, snapped his fingers, which made the unreadable letters in the book transform into teeth that nearly bit Edric, scaring him and Emira, before the book flew directly to Odwin's hands.

"Thank you" said Odwin sarcastically as he shut the book in his hand

"Oh, you two are back" said Emira in a disappointed tone only for Amity punch her right in the face with a large abomination fist

"Hey! What was that for?!" Said Edric angrily as he began to draw a magic circle only to stop mid-way when Amity replied

"That's for nearly killing us both at the library!" Replied Amity angrily as she prepared another attack

"I don't think a diary and some books qualify as your lives here" said Emira angrily as she got up from the ground while caressing the place where Amity attacked her

"Not the books, the drawings you left on the Otabin story book. You left the book open" said Odwin as he approached Edric and touched him, electrocuting him


"Me and Luz nearly got stitched into a giant book by Otabin!" Cried Amity in anger "Odwin and Skara almost got sliced in half by the tin boy!"

"And Odwin couldn't just melt tin boy then help you?" Asked Emira with a frown, doubting Amity's words

"I would've" said Odwin trying to be calm before exploding in the next sentence "if you hadn't written indestructible!"

"Wait, that actually made it indestructible?" Asked Edric in surprise which prompted Odwin to nod disapprovingly

"It was an accident, we didn't mean for it to happen" said Emira frowning as she crossed her arms while rolling her eyes

"Still your fault, still nearly killed us" said Amity with a scowl before Minerva chirped in approval

"None of this would've happened if you didn't rat us out to Mom!" Yelled Emira angrily as she stood directly in front of Amity

"You bully us all the time!" yelled Amity angrily

"We don't get Mom involved!" Said Emira

"Yes! because Mom's punishment is much worse than getting sliced in half or getting eternally trapped in a giant book!" said Amity

But before Emira could respond, Odwin stepped in and stopped Amity

"Wait, Amity. Maybe she has a point" said Odwin calmly with a frown "we can't bring Mom into our fights"

Everyone was confused by Odwin's words, but it quickly changed. Emira stared at him skeptically while Amity was about to yell, but then Odwin continued.

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