Adventure in the Elements part 1

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"Geez, we really recked this room" said Edric as he cleaned Odwin's room

The Blight siblings were now cleaning Odwin's room while Minerva was just watching

"Eh, it was more Odwin and the Odwins" commented Emira cheerfully as she helped clean "but yeah, it's pretty destroyed"

"Technically, only Amity didn't destroy this room" said Odwin as he moved things around magically "but on another note-"

"No! We don't care that you were someone else! Just stop asking about it!" Yelled Edric

"Are you sure-"

"Why don't you just read our minds or something?!" Yelled Amity desperately

"I'm afraid of what i might see!" Retorted Odwin with a pout

"Wait, you can read minds?" Asked Edric, raising a brow

"So that's how you kept on figuring out our pranks!" Said Emira in realization "i thought you were looking into the future or something...wait, you were reading our minds?!"

"Don't worry. Unlike you, i respect privacy." Replied Odwin proudly

"Can we please just stop talking." Said Amity dejectedly, gaining everyone's attention.

No one knew what was wrong with Amity. Trouble ended and Ed and Em will no longer be jerks to them. So why was she upset?

"Uhm, Mit-Amity, what's wrong?" Asked Emira in concern.

"Yeah, you've been acting all depressed ever since we defeated angry Od" added Edric raising a brow

"It's still weird seeing those acting nice, but they're right. What's going on?" Added Odwin in concern

"*sigh* it's just, after fighting Odwin, i realized that I'm the weakest one here" said Amity dejectedly. Odwin was about to inteject, but Amity stopped him "don't try to deny it. Even the dead you was more powerful if it could scare the part of you that nearly killed us. I don't even know how to make a fireball! We're supposed to be equal, but..."

Odwin felt a little guilty from hearing that. He knew Amity didn't mean to shame him, she was more disappointed in herself, yet the results were the same; He couldn't reply to her.

"Then how about we train you up?" Suggested Edric cheerfully "we all know the fire spell. We could teach you"

"Where would we even do it? I could burn something by accident if we do it here" asked Amity as she put some of Odwin's books on his desk

"How about the knee? It's a pretty magical place with nothing to burn" suggested Emira with a smile

"We'd need some equipment. Would Mom and Dad eve-"

"Do you even know our parents?" Deadpanned Odwin

"....right, forgot about that for a second." Said Amity, narrowing her eyes as she remembered how Alador wouldn't bother with the whole thing and Odalia would support anything under the guise of making their family name look better.

"It's settled then, we're going to the knee!" Declared Edric cheerfully

Minerva, who was silent until now, chirped cheerfully in agreement.

"And we're getting winter clothes for Minerva because there's no way I'm letting you go to the knee without them" declared Odwin causing the four winged eagle to droop dejectedly.

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