|| thank you ||

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So. That was Michael and Jade's story. I hope you enjoyed it and I have a few people that I need to thank. I'm so so grateful for every single read and vote and comment I've gotten on this story and I love each and every person who took the time out of their day to do it. But there are some people who encouraged me to keep writing this and I wanted to give them all a shoutout.

My friend Aline, who's the only reason Dare is even on this site to begin with. I used to write stuff on Google Drive, but I never posted anything. I had my friends read some of it and that would be it. Then I got Aline to read Something Else and asked me for the link. And I was just like???? Because I didn't have a link. So I told her that and she convinced me to publish that along with Dare. Thanks to her, I was able to share Michael and Jade with you guys. I've deleted Something Else from my profile, but I'm working on editing it and hopefully I'll post it sometime in the future.

ofmusics - Lili is the first Dare enthusiast and I love her. She's made me some art for the story and it's absolutely fucking beautiful. She'd always get so excited for the story and it kept me writing more and more so thanks Lili.

Wishdust - You're one of the first people to comment something on this story that made me go, "holy shit, people actually care." You're one of the sweetest people on this site and I know you have so much potential as a writer. Outside is such an original idea and I'm not the least bit surprised to see the kind of reaction it's getting.

shetookachance - I can't put into words how much your comments mean to me. Knowing my writing had such a profound effect on you is so flattering and a little bit scary. I never expected people to care about my stories, so the fact that not only do you care, but are also so supportive is incredible. I hope if inspiration hits, you write you lil heart out because that's the only way to write. Thanks for everything.

xxchele and fivesaucewhoop - Paige and Michele inspired me to start writing and I learned quite a few things from reading their works. They probably won't see this, but I needed to mention it.

cxbains - After reading Tay's writing I literally wanted to stop. Like it's just so beautiful and carefully done that I felt like mine is absolute shit. But it also gave me a reason to keep writing so I can improve. So thanks for that, man.

I know that's not an inclusive list by any means. There so many more of you who've given this story its statistics. So so many of you who've shown so much love for Michael and Jade, even when they were being assholes. I can't thank each person individually, but I appreciate all of you.

If anyone wants to write an alternative ending or a oneshot or some art, feel free to do that. If you do, I'd love to see it.

But other than that, thank you so so much for your time. I hope you liked this story and stick around for more. If you'd like, you can check out my other stories on my profile. Stay rad. I love you. x

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