➵ 1.9 - michael

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Michael was still mad at Jade. She had ignored him for a week, then she had once again blown up at him on Friday, then she was a no show at school for three days. And then she texted him in the middle of the damn night. He had been writing a song for the band and it was kind of working a little bit. He was messing around with the chords and trying out different melodies. He even had some words down.

Even when the sky is falling down

Even when the earth is crumbling 'round my feet

We just gotta get out

He was iffy about it, but that's how songs were written. That was, until his phone lit up with the text. He hadn't known it was her number because only she knew his, but the message itself made it clear who it was. And of course, Michael had to be an idiot and screw it up. But from the way she replied, it didn't seem like she cared.

Now he was sitting outside, wondering what reason he could possibly give Jade to get her to trust him. And why did she want one? Just on Friday, she had told him that she wanted nothing to do with him, that she was afraid. So what changed? But whatever it was, it was bad. Because she looked tired as fuck. It was dark and that made it hard to see, but it was obvious that she was exhausted. There was absolutely no color in her cheeks. Her face was completely lifeless. The bags under her eyes were so prominent even in the darkness that Michael was sure she hadn't slept in days. Her cheekbones were sharper than usual, making her look skinnier than she really was. Everything about her appearance screamed that she was sick. Sick and fucking tired beyond belief.

"What kind of reason?" Michael asked because he really wasn't sure what brought this change in her.

"What do you think?" Jade said, looking down at her lap. "What do you think I need when you look at me right now?"

That was easy. "I think you need a friend," Michael told her truthfully. "You look like you've been through hell and back and it's drained the life out of you. I don't know what happened and obviously you still aren't ready to tell me, but I'm here, Little Mermaid."

It was in that moment that Michael decided to screw the dare. Jade very clearly had some weird shit going on in her life and Michael genuinely wanted to help her. He didn't care that she was rude to him more often than not. He was going to crack her tough exterior. He was going to take this girl to prom with him because he actually liked her. Michael didn't care if he was being ridiculous. They had only known each other for almost three weeks, but Michael liked her. She didn't take any shit from anyone and he loved that. He never had to work this hard to get a girl and this time he actually wanted her.

"Do you know what, Little Mermaid," Michael said. He knew what he was going to tell her. And she would listen. Even if it meant probably going home with a black eye or two. "I hate you. I really fucking hate you. This past week and a half all I've been able to think about was you. I've been losing sleep over you. How the fuck does that make any sense? You think I'm out to get you. You think I'm doing this to get in your pants so I can brag to my friends. Well, I'm not. I don't care what the fuck you have to say about it, but I like you." He put one hand on the side of her face and turned her head so he could look at her, but it was pointless. Her eyes were cast down. "I want to be your friend," Michael said. "I want to help you, but you're not letting me. Please, give me a chance."

Jade looked up and the corner of her mouth twitched. "That's still not a reason."

Right. Reason. Trust. What was he supposed to say? He could tell her about the dare and get killed, but hopefully get some trust. It seemed like a semi-good idea. But he brushed it off as he remembered something that would always be a part of him. He pulled up the left sleeve of his shirt past his elbow and held his arm out in front of Jade. She looked from his arm to his eyes then back to his arm, a silent question in her own green eyes.

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