➵ 3.2 - jade

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(im going to update until i run out chapters which will be soon bc i only have 1 more written so ill post that in a couple days and this one is a mess read at your own risk)

Michael took Jade to his room, which in all honesty was an utter mess. The bed wasn't made and was littered with papers. There were dirty clothes lying on the floor and it reeked of vodka. While Michael picked up his clothes and muttered an apology for how everything looked, Jade sat on the bed and picked up one of the crumpled papers. The writing on it seemed rushed and panicked and as Jade read the words, she wondered who they were for.

Wait, don't tell me

Heaven is a place on earth

I wish I could rewind all

The times that I didn't

Show you what you're really worth

"Hey, don't read those, please," Michael said, coming to sit on the bed as well. He looked nervous, like he was about to confess his deepest secrets to Jade and she wasn't ready for that.

"What are they?" Jade asked, trying to distract him and stall from whatever he had to say.

"Song lyrics," Michael told her. He took the paper from her and glanced it before crumpling it again. "That one's horrible. I've done better." (bitchass liar imma punch him)

Jade looked around at the other pieces of papers thrown around and wondered just how many songs Michael wrote. As if in tune with her thoughts, Michael picked up his guitar that was also on the bed and fiddled with the strings. "I wrote one for you, too," he said and then let out a breathy laugh. "Actually I wrote more than one. I literally went off the deep end, I'm telling you, Jade."

Probably for the first time, Jade was tongue tied in front of Michael. Why was he writing songs for her? All she had ever done was be a bitch to him, regardless of his part in her behavior. She didn't like this. She didn't want him to do things that would undo everything else he had done.

Michael looked at her and gave her a small smile. "This one is called The Only Reason. I don't think I'm done with it completely, but I've been wanting to sing it to you."

Don't talk, let me think it over

How we gonna fix this

How we gonna undo all the pain

Tell me, is it even worth it

Looking through a straight line

Taking back the time we can't replace

All the crossed wires

Just making us tired

Is it too late to bring us back to life

Michael sang beautifully, Jade already knew that from that one band practice she went to, the day before everything changed. The songs they had played that day were more on the punk side. This was different. There was heartfelt emotion literally pouring out of Michael and Jade was fascinated just watching him play. She could only guess where he got the inspiration for the song and it created a painful lump in her throat.

When I close my eyes and try to sleep

I fall apart, I'm fighting hard to breathe

You're the reason, the only reason

Even though my dizzy head is numb

I swear my heart is never giving up

You're the reason, the only reason

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