➵ 0.6 - jade

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Jade was pissed at Michael. Who the fuck did he think he was giving stupid nicknames that she clearly didn't want? Who did he think he was trying to act like a friend? He was an asshole, that's what he was.

But more than anything, Jade was pissed at herself. She had let her guard down in front of him. She had made the stupid mistake of looking weak in front of them all and now they were going to use that to their advantage.

It was all Michael's fault. If he hadn't guilted her into going up to the platform, then none of this would've happened. The remaining class period, Michael didn't try to say anything idiotic. Maybe he knew that Jade was reaching the point where she would eventually lash out at him.

Thankfully, gym was the last class that they shared together and when school ended, Jade made her way to Ashton's car in the student parking lot. Ashton was no where to be found. Jade slumped against the passenger door and waited.

A few cars down, she saw Michael climb into a sleek, black Range Rover and she shook her head. Of course, the rich bastard would have an expensive car.

Just as she was about to look away, Michael glanced her way and held her gaze. From a distance, he looked intimidating enough. His hair was a crazy blue, his clothes were dark, he had both his ears pierced. But the second you talked to him, he showed his true idiotic personality.

But he hadn't been an idiot today. Sure, he shouldn't have forced Jade to get up on the platform, but when he saw how much it was troubling her, he had seemed genuinely concerned. Or maybe it wasn't concern, maybe it was guilt. Or worry. Worry that Jade might pass out and he would be the one to blame. Because, honestly, why would he care about Jade? Rich, pretty boys like him didn't go for girls like her.

She had been stupid and naïve to think that he actually gave a shit about her.

"Earth to, J," Ashton's voice said loudly in her ears. "If you're done ogling Clifford, I'd like to get going."

Jade ended her staring contest with Michael and turned to Ashton, hitting his arm lightly. "I wasn't ogling him. He's hardly what I would call eye candy."

That was a fucking lie and Jade knew it. She didn't want to admit it, but Michael was gorgeous. But he was also stupid.

"Whatever you say," Ashton laughed as he walked to the driver's side and Jade got in the car, strapping the seat belt around her.

They drove in silence, humming along to All Time Low's Therapy and A Love Like War. Finally, as Pierce the Veil was playing, Ashton spoke up.

"What's up with you? You have that look on your face that says 'I might look like a sad puppy but I want to claw your eyes out.' Whose fault is it now?" His tone was light and teasing, but Jade knew him enough to be able to hear the underlying worry.

Jade tried, again, to raise one eyebrow but failed. Fuck it. She could never do it. "I look like a puppy?"

Ashton nodded and chuckled. "A really badass, pissed off puppy. Now tell me why."

They pulled up outside her trailer but stayed put. Jade wondered whether or not to tell Ashton about the disaster that had been her gym class. He was the only person she could confide in. She wanted to share things with her mom, but more often than not, her mom was either drunk out of her mind or high. Sometimes both.

Jade sighed. "I fucked up."

Ashton pulled out a cigarette and Jade smiled a bit. At least Ashton was a constant in her life. "What did you do?"

Jade leaned back in her seat. "I broke down, Ash. We had to do stupid trust exercises and I failed them, Ash, I fucking failed them. I let my fear take over and I failed."

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