➵ 3.7 - jade

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dare is translated into russian!! http://ficbook.net/readfic/2597378 you can click that or i will also put the link on the side!! im just really excited okay don't judge me and also this wouldn't have even happened if y'all hadn't read this story and been as amazing as you are so thank you god fucking bless your souls!!1! i love your lil hearts

vote and comment and enjoy my Christmas present to you!!


As Sheila's house came into view, Jade started to freak out just a little. She didn't know what it was today, why she was so jumpy, but it was annoying. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, focusing hard to calm herself. She had to stay composed, she couldn't let Sheila see just how much this all affected Jade.

The car slowed to a stop and Michael cut the engine, neither of them making a move to get out of the car. Then, slowly, Michael's hands unclenched Jade's hands from the chain around her neck that held her parents wedding bands.

"Hey, it's okay," he said gently, squeezing her hands reassuringly. "You'll be fine. I'm right here."

And strangely, him being there was a kind of encouragement that Jade didn't really know she needed or wanted up until this moment.

"Thanks for coming," Jade replied just as quietly, and lifted her gaze to meet his. His pale green eyes were warm, a soft expression on his face. His gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips and Jade felt her face get hot.

"Thanks for letting me come."

Michael got out of the car and Jade followed suit, only to find him walking towards her with a pout. She raised his eyebrows and he mumbled, "I wanted to open the door for you."

Jade gave him a genuine smile and, without even thinking, held her hand out for him to take. Michael's face brightened and he slipped his hands in hers, lacing their fingers together. "You're cute, Michael," Jade said casually as they walked up the driveway. The comment was mostly to keep her distracted, but it was also true.

At the door, Jade had to just stand there for a few seconds before she was able to raise her hand and ring the doorbell. Then she sort of shrank back into Michael, as if she could just hide behind him. Michael squeezed her hand and Jade let out a deep breath. She could do this.

The door opened and Jade's posture immediately changed. She stood up straighter with her head high and make eye contact with Sheila, who looked pleasantly surprised to see Jade.

"Hello," she said with a tentative smile, probably expecting Jade to blow up again. She held the door wide open and gestured for them to enter. "Come in."

Michael and Jade stepped in the house hand in hand. Sheila held out her hand for Michael and he shook it with his right one that wasn't holding Jade's left. "I'm Sheila."

"Nice to meet you," Michael said politely and Jade almost scoffed at his obvious attempt at not being an ass. "I'm Michael."

"Nice to meet you, Michael," Sheila smiled and looked at Jade. "How's Ashton? You must have a lot of friends."

"I don't, actually," Jade deadpanned. She didn't want to discuss her current life with this woman. She just wanted to know what happened in the past. Their present lives weren't related in any way and Jade wanted to keep it that way. "Ashton couldn't make it today," she added as an afterthought, remembering Ashton's request to stay calm, even for just for a while.

"That's okay," Sheila said and led them further into the house. They went into the living room where Lacey was again making a mess on the floor. "Lacey, look who's here!"

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