➵ 2.4 - michael

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the picture has nothing to do with the chapter I just needed to put it somewhere omf I caNt brEAtHe and you'd all better comment on this chapter bc shit goes down
Friday turned really shitty really fast. After Michael dropped Jade off, he fell asleep for a little while before he was woken up by his mother, who gave him the oh so pleasant news that Daisy was here to see him. He seriously considered sending her away or saying that he was asleep, but knowing his mom and her obsession with Daisy, he was sure his efforts would be wasted. So he went out to the living room without even fixing his hair. Daisy was sitting on the couch, looking absolutely immaculate. She stood up when Michael walked in. "Hi."

"Hi," Michael said, having no idea why she was there again, but he could guess.

"Can we, um, like, go somewhere else to talk? Like, in private?" Daisy asked. That was a warning in and of itself. Red flags should've been flying around in Michael's head, but he agreed with her nonetheless and took her out to the backyard. "I wanted to talk about the party," Daisy said, tucking some hair behind her hair.

"Why?" The party had been exactly two weeks ago and Michael didn't see why she needed to talk about it. There was nothing to discuss. Michael hadn't even stayed for that long.

"The thing with Bryce," Daisy started and Michael flinched. He did not want to think about that. Not only did it piss him off because Bryce was taking advantage of a drunken girl, it also made his blood boil because that was where Jade had gotten hurt.

"I don't want to talk about it," Michael said, rubbing his temples.

"No, but I need to say thank you," Daisy said, surprising Michael. He wasn't sure he heard her correctly. He stared at Daisy while she fiddled with her hair and continued speaking. "I don't know how much I had to drink or what I was thinking, but I really appreciate you stepping in and stopping him. You didn't have to, but you did, and I appreciate that."

"Of course I had to," Michael argued. He might not have liked Daisy anymore and he might've been really annoyed with her for waking him up, but that didn't mean he would let someone like Bryce get away with their shit. "He was being a dick and you were clearly not in the right state of mind, but that doesn't mean I could've turned a blind eye to it."

Daisy smiled, but it wasn't the usual flirtatious kind. This was a bit more... reserved and bashful. It kind of creeped Michael out. "Still, thank you."

"Uh, you're welcome," Michael said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "But do me a favor and don't get shitfaced like that when pricks like him are around."

And that was that. Daisy left after that and Michael didn't know what to do with himself for the next hour or so before he went out with Luke and Calum. The three of them were supposed to go to some club, and while Michael would've preferred to spend that time with Jade, he did miss his idiot friends. And things were going great. They were all having fun just hanging out, sharing some drinks, until it was time to leave and it all went downhill. Michael walked out before Luke and Calum did, trying to remember where he had parked his car, when he heard his name being called.


Michael looked around, trying to locate the source of the sound, but he wasn't completely sober and didn't see the hooded figure that crept up next to him and landed a solid punch in his stomach. Michael stumbled over, clutching his torso, as another fist connected with the side of his head and a leg with his stomach. Michael swore, blindly lashing out and hoping he would hit something worth damaging.

"This is what you get, you asshole," his attacker hissed. "For Friday night." A kick in his shin. "Meddle in my business again and I'll give you another hole to breathe out of."

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