➵ 4.1 - jade

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idk what this chapter is omg i guess this is what you call a filler

i'm posting it today in honor of a boy very near and dear to my heart who should never ever read this story but it's his birthday today my little boy from bradford is 22 now and he's still smashin it im so proud of him he makes me and so many other people so happy i love him im done with my speech enjoy the chapter i feel liek it's cute idk lemme know


It's funny how life changes. One minute you're just a kid, living life without a care in the world. Then the next minute you're an orphan moving towns because school just became too hard. One minute you're the new girl taht entices everyone's interest and the next you've alienated anyone who might've wanted to befriend you. One minute you have iron walls around you, stopping you from opening up to anyone and the next you've become so invested in someone they know every important thing about you. One minute you hate the words trust me and the next you've trusted someone with something far too important, only hoping that they won't abuse their power over you.

All those things happened to Jade.

She lost her parents and learned about new ones. Every single one of her so called friends had betrayed her and left her alone and she had found a best friend in a boy she thought might be like the rest. She had intentionally stayed away from people, acting like a bitch so no one would be tempted to get to know her. And then someone had broken down all her defenses and and somehow managed to earn her trust without her knowing.

And now he was her boyfriend. Speak of the unthinkable.

It was Friday, four days after Michael asked Jade to be his girlfriend. Jade had quit her job a few days ago, taking up babysitting a kid instead. His name was Andrew and he was the cutest seven year old Jade knew. She had only been to his house twice so far and she already loved him. He was easy to handle and just kept to himself, which meant Jade had two hours to just sit around and relax. If she could ever relax.

She knew she didn't have to be afraid, but that didn't change anything. She trusted Michael, but that nagging fear was always there. It was like an itch under her skin, irritating her to brink of insanity. She couldn't do it anything about it expect ignoring it and pretending like it didn't exist. So far Michael had kept his promise. He wouldn't push her to do something she didn't want to do and he gave her the space she needed. He still did stupid things like he always had, which kept Jade from losing her grip on sanity. He was the same person and he didn't expect her to change.

"Wait, pause it for a second. I need water," Andrew said, shooting up from the couch and reaching for the remote in the same second. He paused Scar and Mufasa on the screen and ran off to the kitchen, leaving Jade just a little annoyed. She hated pausing movies. "Jade can you come here?" Andrew shouted from the kitchen.

Jade got up from the couch and went to the kitchen, where Andrew was standing on a chair and reaching for a water bottle just out of reach. Jade laughed to himself and grabbed the bottle for him. Andrew wasn't exactly tall for his age.

"Thanks," he said and hopped off the chair, running back to the room. "Come back, I'm starting it!"

Jade still had an hour and a half to watch him, most of which would probably be spent on the movie. Jade didn't mind, honestly. The Lion King was probably her favorite Disney movie and she hadn't seen it in a long time.

About twenty minutes later, Jade's phone vibrated in her jacket and she fished it out to find a new text from Michael. From Gordon, to be exact.

Gordon: Are you busy ??????????

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