Chapter 36

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"Ow." Tobias whines as I put an ice pack on his busted lip, while Christina stands smirking.

"I swear you are retarded." I chuckled at his scrunched up face.

"Hey it's not my fault." He pouts.

"Well it ought to teach you not to wake me up so damn early." Christina states rubbing her knuckles.

"Where are your parents anyways?" I ask, its so quiet.

"With my grandma at the hospital, I'm suppose to house sit the next few days." She explains grinning.

Zeke and Uriah walk in speaking quietly and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Where you go this morning?" I innocently ask, Zeke.

"Home." He grumbles.

"Oh. You forget something?" Zeke shakes his head.

"No. I told Toni about Cole." My eyes widen, I told him not to tell.

"What happened?!" I exclaim. I mean when I showed up they seemed happy.

"She forgave him. Just like that, how stupid is she?" We all sit around in the living room and Marlene, Shauna, and Will come in and join us.

"I understand, if it were T-Four and I, I would forgive him and try to make things work." I say and Tobias agrees.

"Yeah, but we're her big brothers, Its our job to look after her." Uriah interjects.

"True. Does she really want it though?" Tobias asks.

"It doesn't matter if she does, this is what's best for her." Zeke angrily says.

"Well, one your not her dad and second, she is strong and independent, let her decide and take consequences." I tell the brothers and slowly they agree.

"Well now that that's dealed with, lets get some breakfast." Marlene announces rubbing her stomach.

"Yes!" Shauna agreed raising her sifts in the air.

"How about I order pizza." Will offers.

"For breakfast?" I ask cringing.

"Yeah. Who doesn't love pizza?" Tobias said in a duh tone.

"Okay, pizza it is." I say and we all debate what to get before we decide on a pepperoni and cheese pizza.

"I'll pay." I offer.

"I don't have money anyways." Will chuckles and snatches a twenty from my hand.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I announce.

"I'll come!" Tobias jumps up, dropping his ice pack.

"Sorry hon, you already took one this morning." I wink and walk out.

"Don't blame a guy for trying." I hear Uriah mumble followed by a slap.

"Don't kill each other!" I shout then go into the bathroom.

After I take a shower, I change back into my pajamas. My hair is dripping wet so I grab one of Christina's hair blow dryer.

"Tris, you've been in there for hours, hurry!" Marlene complains pounding on the door.

"One sec!" I tell her then hurry and finish my hair.

"Finally." She announces when I step out and I roll my eyes.

"Is pizza here?" I ask hungrily.

"I would be eating it if it was." She says then slams the door. Someone needs to go back to bed.

I go to find Christina to see if she has any clothes for me to borrow.

"Christina?" I knock on her bedroom door then open it. Will and Christina are on the bed making out and my eyes widening.

"Ew! Stop!" I squeal and they start laughing.

"What? It's not like you and Four don't do this." Christina smirks then attaches her mouth to his again. God.

"Pizza is here!" I hear Zeke yell and I dart out of the room.

"I call cheese!" I announce as I step into the living room. Uriah, Zeke, and Tobias are already digging in.

"Save some for us!" Shauna whines and snatches a piece from Zeke. I go to grab a piece, but someone knocks on the door.

"I'll get it." I groan and jog to the door.

"Hey Tris." Toni greets me at the door with Cole.

"Oh, hey didn't know you were coming." I eye Cole, but he doesn't even glance at me.

"Yeah. Sorry we couldn't come before, I got kinda busy." She looks at Cole and I nod understanding.

"It's fine. Come in, we have pizza." I move aside and they walk in.

"Toni and Cole are here!" I shout and start to walk back into the living room.

Cole whispers something to Toni and she nods and leaves his side to join everyone else.

"Tris. Can I talk to you?" He grabs my wrist and I frown.

"About what?" I snap.

"What happened the other day, please." Cole pleads.

"Fine, you have five minutes." I sigh.

"I'm sorry for hitting on you and threatening you. I realized how stupid I was for cheating on Toni. We talked about it, and we are taking this relationship serious. I just wanted you to know and I was hoping you would forgive me." He explains biting his lip.

"Okay." I say simply.

"Okay?" He looks confused I forgave him simply.

"Yeah. Okay, I'm just happy you guys talked things through." I smile and he does too.

"Good. Let's go get pizza." He says.

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