Chapter 42

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"Okay... I was in love with Dale..." I reluctantly started and he tenses. "We started high school and I was elated he asked me out because he was popular and you know, I wasn't. Our relationship was special, he made me feel special. We did everything together from school to staying at each others houses for days. It was perfect. Then that day came. Dale enlisted in the army at the beginning of our Juniour year. I was devistated, but it was part of his family tradition. The oldest son in the family always enlisted. When he was boarded out I felt like he took a part of him with me. We lost communcation and I wouldn't hear from him for months at a time. My dad got the job and moved here, I swore I would never get close to anyone again, but I met you and things changed." My eyes are blurry by the end and Tobias was staring out the window.

"Do you love him?" His voice is a low whisper and my breathe hitches. No, of course I don't, I love Tobias. Right?

"I- I don't know." I stutter confused on my feelings.

"You don't know? How could you not know? Do you love me?" He blurts frusterated.

"Yes... I think." I didn't mean for the last part to come out, but Tobias must of heard because he slams his hand down on the wheel and swears.

"My dad was right." He mutters and I instinctly put my hand over his.

"Tobias, no. He wasn't right. I really do love you." I say comforting him and he slips his hand away from mine.

"Don't. How can I believe you? I was thinking how lucky I am to find you again. I was thinking I had something to live for. I was always thinking of you... God, I'm such an idiot. This was to good to be true." Tobias shakes his head in disbelief and I start to panic.

"No, you don't mean that." I tell him and he laughs unhumerously. Tobias takes his phone from his pocket and starts to text somebody. How could I be so fricken stupid? I love him so much, he's helped me with everything. Then I also might love Dale too. My thoughts are inturrupted by bills being thrown on my lap and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Go buy some lunch. Zeke is coming to pick you up in afew hours, I gave him the address." Tobias states and my eyes start to water in relization.

"What? No. You promised you would never leave." I raise my voice in panic. I can't lose him.

"Tris, I just need to think, okay? I will be home by time you get back tonight." He reassures and there is somthing in his voice I can't detect.

"Promise?" I ask uneasily.

"Tris.." He trails off and my vision gets blurry with tears again.

"Promise.." I tell him and he gives a sympathetic look.

"I promise." He whispers and I don't believe him. I lean in to kiss him, but when he makes no move towards me I open my door. Giving one last look I get out and head towards the diner.

"Miss me already?" Dale's teasing voice instantly raises my spirts and I smile.

"Naw, miss the food." I joke and he flips me off.

"Whatever. Is Mr. 'Boyfriend' still here?" He asks and I frown.

"His name is T-Four and no he left." I still feel like I should keep his name safe for some reason.

"Now that he's gone finally, want to meet my friends?" He suggests and I nod. At the booth there is two other guys.

"This is Noah. That's Ben." Dale introduces. Noah has dark blonde hair, green eyes, and full lips. Ben has black short hair like Dale, brown eyes and dimples. They are all so damn hot.

"Thanks, babe." Noah chuckled and I blushed. Did I say that out loud.

"Why yes you did." Ben winked and I blushed even harder.

"Leave her alone. This one is mine." Dale announces wrapping an arm around me. The moment is ruined by my stomach growling loudly and I realized it was past lunch.

"Sorry boys, got to go feed the beast." I state patting my stomach then I realize how awkward I was. The boys start to laugh and I soon join. I like them.

"I will order you your usual." Dale tells me and seats me in the booth next to him.

"You remembered what I always get?" I ask suprised and Dale nods proudly.

"He is so head over heels for you. You should of heard him talking about you last week! She's so beautiful.. her laugh is musical... she's my kind of women.." Ben mocks and Dale's ears get red.

"I'm going to go order at the counter." Dale mutters and leaves quickly, embarresed.

"Does he really talk about me alot?" I feel guilty for never thinking of him again. I didn't know how much he cared.

"More like that's all our conversations are about!" Noah exclaims and Ben agrees.

"Wow. So how long have you guys been traveling?" I ask curisously.

"About 5 months." Dale interjects and sets a tray of food in front of me.

"Thanks. So do you just travel everywhere?" It sounds kind of fun.

"Yep. Wherever the roads take us is where we go. Its entertaining with these guys though. One time we got lost in the mountains and were driving around for two days only eating pringles and peporoni until we found our way out. Let me tell you, everything is out in the open, there is no privacy what so ever. " Ben tells me grinning as he remembered. The others laughed and I joined.

"Can I come?" I joke and Noah makes a joke about a girl tagging along, but Dale stops laughing.

"You could you know." Dale points out and I shake my head.

"This has been amazing catching up with you Dale, but I have another life back home." I sigh then I remember my parents. All that is holding me back is Toby amd my friends.

"It was worth a shot." He shrugs like it doesn't bother him and sips from a chocolate shake casually. My phone viberated and I pull it out. A message from Zeke appeared saying he is close. I put it away and look at Dale.

"I have to go in a few minutes." I say and he frowns.

"I don't want you to go." He pouts and blocks me in the booth.

"Dale, seriously." I tell him rolling my eyes.

"Tris.. can I talk to you?" He asks and I oblige by following him outside. Dale turns and stares at me then his eyes start to tear up. What the hell?

"What's wrong?" I step closer to him and hug him.

"Its just.. while I was over there fighting, you were the only thing that kept me going. I swore to myself once I get back I would never leave you again. I was depressed to find you gone. The guys helped me through that and now your here again. I can't lose you." He cries into my shoulder and I am frozen having never seen him cry.

"Hey, hey,hey... you won't lose me ever again. I promise, okay?" I stare him in the eye and he nods then hugs me again.

"I love you Beatrice." My breath hitches and he kisses me. I kiss him back although something is telling me not to.

"I love you too." I kiss him again and someone clears their throat near us. Zeke.

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