Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Nora gazed out the carriage window at the bleak country side, letting the sway and click of the horses hoofs lull her to sleep. 

"By God Nora, will you wake up!" The shrill cry of her mother jolted her upright. 

The woman was old, widowed and determined to make a fortune off her daughter. How? By marring her off to the most eligible bachelor possible. 

"That's just what we arriving with bags under your eyes!" 

"I don't care." Nora mumbled as her lips pursed unconsciously in annoyance. 

"This is a royal event we are attending! ...Just think if you had tried a little harder this could have been your wedding!" 

Her mother was actually under the impression that King Rafael should have married her. How advantageous that would have been for her mother... She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the thought. 

"You know...marriages can turn sour very quickly. There might still be a chance for you!" The gray haired woman perked up at the thought. 

"Mother. Please, enough." 

"After all" she continued drowning out Nora's pleas " No one knew about this girl, she just popped up out of no where and now they are to be married! So quick!" She clicked her tongue in disgust. 

"The whole world is curious about this union. I speculate she's with child and King Rafael is just trying to make an honest woman out of her! But that's when you swoop in, no man desires his wife when she is all bloated."

"Mother! Stop scheming for once in your life!" Nora hated when she went off on her tangents. "I'm sure there will be plenty of dukes and royalty there and I will dance with every single one!" 

The comment seemed to please her mother for she nodded curtly as if accepting a business offer. But to her mother, marriage was business and there was money to be made. 

It had been a few years since the war had taken her father and since then something in her mother snapped. They were not poor, in fact they were very wealthy and quite popular in society. To her mother social standing was everything. 

That being said marriage was the last thing on earth she desired. Each and every suitor that came knocking was just a sickening reminder of the little time she had left. Some were fat and old with pockets full of gold. Others were young, cocky and came from old money. 

They were all the same, trying to win her over with cocky smiles and displays of wealth. She could only refuse so many, sooner or later her mother wouldn't let her say "no." But deep down she couldn't bring herself to consider anyone else but her childhood love...Erik. 

She had given her heart to him completely when she was just a teen but in a painful twist of events he had cast her aside. Still to this day the boy weighed heavily on her heart but memories of him kept her from moving on. 

"Ah finally!" Her mother exclaimed as they arrived at the castle gates. 

Nora pushed aside the sad memories and prepared herself for a long uninteresting evening. She stepped out of the carriage carefully and righted her flowing pastel gown. 

"Oh look Nora the Duke of Havensford! Smile"

It was certainly going to be a long night. 

Once inside the castle walls she along with everyone else gasped at the sheer grander of it all. Flowers littered everywhere and white flowing silken sheets replaced tapestries and curtains giving the room an ethereal quality. Some guests had already taken their seats while many others stood socializing. 

It seemed to take hours as her mother danced her around the room, introducing her to man after man, after man. Smile, offer hand to be kissed, another smile, "nice to meet you sir-, duke-, mr.-" it was all the same. 

"Shall I get you something to drink?" 



Her name quickly brought her back to reality. 

"The Duke of Havensford has offered you a drink." Her mothers beady blue eyes bore into her skull, words dripping with venom. 

Nora turned her attention to the smiling dark haired man in front of her "I'm sorry, I was daydreaming." She let out a pearl of fake uncomfortable laughter and lowered her eyes bashfully. 

"That's alright beauty." He flashed her a smile and turned on his heels. 

"Keep it together Nora. He likes you, that much is certain. Now don't blow this for us!" Her mother squawked under her breath. 

Nora lazily looked past the annoying woman...


It can't be....


It was. 

Standing off to the side, arms crossed over his chest was Erik, the love of her life. 


So what do you guys think? I'm really hoping you enjoy going more indepth with Erikson! Also don't worry this is still half about Rafael and Fiora and Nora won't come between them haha. 

But what do you think of this new character Nora? Like it/ hate it? Let me know in the comments below :) 



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