Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Darkness prevailed all around Fiora’s vision as she fought to open her eyes. Slowly ever so slowly she swam her way back into consciousness. Her eyelids flickered roughly and squinted as bright sun light assaulted her eyes. 

“Your highness! Your highness!” Erikson’s chiseled kind face swam into view. 

“Don’t crowd her! Move! Step back for goodness sake!” Suddenly Nora knelt down besides her. 

“...Fiora.” She softly took Fiora’s head into her lap. 

“Ahh, Nora.” Fiora shook her head feeling unexpected tears well up in her eyes. 

“It seems I’ve taken a small tumble.” 

“Shhhh” Nora soothingly whispered. 

“Lets just get you home, shall we?” Nora looked somewhere to her left and nodded. 

Just then powerful arms lifted her upwards. 

“I’m fine. Goodness I can walk.” She closed her eyes then, feeling another wave of nausea. 


It seemed like mere seconds when Fiora opened her eyes once more. But instead of being in someones arms she was in her bed. 

“Ahhh, you’re awake.” Said Suzan coming into view. 


The plump fiery haired woman smiled and placed a tray on her bed. 

“I must have fallen asleep.” Fiora shook her head whilst sitting up. 

“You did more than that, hear you passed out cold at the jewelers, then again once you got in yer coach.” 

“I don’t know what came over me...Raphael wasn’t told yet was he?” 

Suzan laughed heartily “No, not yet. But you sure gave my boy a fright. Should have seen him, running into my kitchen, face burning, eyes wide with worry. ‘It’s Fiora! She..she’s...somethings wrong!’” 

“Oh dear! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to worry anyone!” A sudden thought struck Fiora. 

“Is my guest...still visiting?” 

Suzan narrowed her eyes slightly. “Yes dear, she’s in your study waiting to hear about your condition.” 

“Oh my...well I hope she isn’t lonely or bored to tears down there!” 

“My boy decided to keep her company.” 

Fiora sunk back into the bed trying to keep her smirk under control. 

“Well, I feel much better now, thank you.” Fiora swung her feet over to the side of the bed. 


Nora sits uncomfortably on the plush couch in Fiora’s study staring at Erickson’s back. She bristles with anger, he’s been standing with his back to her the entire time. 

“I won’t be saying the first word!” She tells herself, biting her inner cheek. 

“Not after what happened in the carriage.” Nora “hmphs” loudly. 

She finds herself examining his back, tracing the lines of his broad shoulders, down his muscular arms. Sandy hair, lean muscles just visible in his strong neck, her fingers itch to trace every inch of him. 

“What are you thinking?!” She chides herself, shaking her head roughly. 

“Nora.” Erickson speaks her name softly. 

Her eyes snap to his form and her eyes lock with his. 

“I’m sorry...about what happened-” He begins but she cuts him off roughly.

“You should be sorry! Trying” A blush rises to her cheeks and she cant continue. 

“No, not about that...about before” He strides forwards now. 

“About what?” Nora barely whispers. 

“About how we lo--” 

“STOP!” Nora cries out. 

“No! Don’t you dare say it. Don’t you dare act like you cared, especially now! After all I’ve been through!” 

And with that she fled the castle, hot tears stinging their way down her cheeks. 

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