The End

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Fiora looked up into Rafael's eyes and sighed. "Do you think they'll be okay?"

"Erikson's tough but more than that...he's loyal and a good man. They'll work it out." He replied absentmindedly stroking her hair.

"...will we be okay?" She turned in his arms to face him.

He smiled placing a hand on her cheek that she automatically leaned into.

"We have each other. Nothing can tare us apart."

"But what about-"

"Shhhhhh." He placed a hand on Fiora's stomach. "There is plenty of time to try for another child and we won't try until we are ready."

"And in the meantime...we should practice." He grinned wolfishly at her.

Fiora swatted him away laughing only to be pulled tightly into his chest again.

"I love you Rafeal." She whispered into him.

His lips brushed her forehead as he whispered back contentedly.

"My love, my life, my everything. I love you too."


Note from the Author: Thank you so much to everyone who went on this journey with me. I apologize that I failed to upload the final chapters of this tale until now.  

With Love, 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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