Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Nora walked through her grand household, feeling bleak and tired. It was a gloomy day and all she wanted to do was sit and read a book. 

“Don’t bother with the chicken tonight Margret, the Anderson’s have canceled...and we’re not made of money.” She heard her mother drawl from the hall. 

She turned down the hallway and sauntered into the library. It was her favorite place in the house, it smelled of musty books and the curtains were old and discolored...but she loved it. 

Humming she plopped down in the middle of the floor right onto a rich red rug. Plucking a book off a stack to her right she began flipping through the pages. 

Nora quickly lost herself in the book, sighing heavily at each mention of love. 

“And so Magdalena placed a slender hand upon her heart shaped pendant before making her leave. The Duke of Penberry was quick to notice the symbolic gesture and followed suit.” She read aloud falling back into the rug to stare at the ceiling. 

“Followed her into the garden where they both confess their love for each other.” A voice from the door way sounded. 

“No, Jenny-” Nora tossed the book aside. “They have already confessed their love, other wise how would they have a lovers symbol to meet?” 

Jenny her middle aged maid came into view, towering over her with her hands upon her hips. “But the confession first occurred in a garden didn’t it?” 

Nora pursed her lips “Yes.” 

Jenny laughed then dropped a letter right onto Nora’s face. 

“You always ruin books for me! Any talk of romance and you pick it apart until it’s dull.” Nora accused while tossing the letter back at Jenny. 

“It’s a letter addressed to you!” Jenny laughed easily whilst flinging the letter. 

Nora propped herself up on one elbow then tore open the envelope. 

“Dear Nora” She began aloud. 

“I am writing to you today to thank you for your glorious words of wisdom.” Jenny scoffed from across the room.

“What poor soul is taking your advice?” 

Nora ignored her then continued-

 “If it weren’t for you I do not believe I would have had the confidence to marry my dearly beloved.” 

Quickly Nora scanned the rest of the letter silently. 

“It would be such an honor if you would join me for tea this saturday afternoon....Yours, Fiora.” 

“Fiora?!” Jenny cried then snatched the letter out of her hands. “Queen Fiora?!” 

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