Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Fiora walked slowly through the castle, the floor was cold on her feet but she welcomed the familiar feeling. Rafael had been acting strange of late. Well...she stopped herself. As strange as one can act after losing ones baby. 

He refused to touch her, even casually brushing by her would cause him to grimace as if in pain. She tried to talk to him about it, but he would just leave the room or shake his head sadly. 

She tried to push that from her mind and instead focus on the ball the castle was putting on today. She would dress her finest and Rafael would have no choice but to touch her and dance with her. 

As she moved further from Rafael’s wing of the castle and towards the main dining hall, the hustle and bustle of servants and cooks became deafening. A servant brushed her side harshly as he ran past and nearly fell flat on his face as he turned to apologize. 

“I’m ....sorry, miss, queen, miss.” He bumbled. 

“That’s alright.” Fiora replied smiling, straightening her dress. 

The boy bowed at least four times and went off running, his face a ghostly white. 

Fiora made her way into the ballroom and admired the decorations being put up. Large pots of white flowers littered the walls and streams of pastel colored ribbons twisted and turned on the ceiling above. 

“Is it to your satisfaction?” A voice called from behind her. 

Fiora turned to see Erik hands on his hips looking at the grandeur before him. 

“It is, it’s beautiful.” She replied smiling and turning to him. “Will you be attending?” 

Erik nodded solemnly. “Of course, I will be guarding the entrance as usual.” 

Fiora shook her head. “We’ve every guard on duty today, I’m sure they can very well get on without you. Besides, you work too hard, you should smile and dance with eligible ladies.” 

That earned her a small smile from him as he turned to go oversee more of the staff. 

“You look beautiful this morning.” 

The sound of Rafael’s voice startled her and she turned around to see him leaning against the doorway, arms crossed. He still gave her butterflies and she could hardly keep her blushing at bay. 

“Thank you.” Fiora replied, taking a few steps towards him. 

“Dance with me.” Rafael said quickly, startling her. 

Before waiting for a response he bounded forwards taking her hands. He led her towards the middle of the ballroom, and she was conscious of servants, cooks, and guards eyeing them. 

Rafael slid one hand around her waist and cupped his hand in hers and began to slowly turn, stepping to some unheard music in his head. 

Fiora realized she was holding her breath as he led her around the floor ever so slowly. Looking up, she realized his eyes were burning with passion. She gasped at the intensity of it. 

“Fiora.” He breathed, sending chills down her back. 

“...Yes?” She managed to squeak out. 

“I love you.” He emphasized each word, and dropped his hands only to reach up and cup her face gently. 

“I love you so much.” He whispered and kissed her softly. 

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