Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

Nora stared at Erik, his overtly strong physic yet kind face made her heart ache. He surveyed the room slowly and she begged silently that his eyes not fall upon her. 

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Her heart beat violently in her ears as his eyes touched upon the back of her mothers head. 

Icy clear blue eyes snapped up and bore straight into her own. Nora was frozen as she watched curiosity then surprise flash across Erik’s face. 

He pushed himself away from the wall and began making his way through the crowd with purpose. 

“No.” Was all she could mumble. 

“Nora...? Are you listening to me?” Her mothers shear cry of annoyance broke her trance. 

“Excuse me.” She breathed, spun on her heals and ran towards the nearest exit. 

Tears filled her eyes as she clumsily pushed past people and escaped down a dark hallway. 

Couples littered the sides, whispering and embracing in the shadows. Nora finally found a narrow corridor and threw herself against the wall. Curiously her foot encountered something...


“Oh pardon me! I didn’t realize anyone was there. Excuse me.” Nora quickly sputtered. 

“That’s alright, I shouldn’t be hiding here anyways.” Soft warm laughter followed as a woman stepped out into the light. 

Nora gasped aloud as she gawked at this woman’s attire...a wedding dress. 

“Oh your majesty! I’m so sorry, I didn’t...I didn’t know!” Quickly she curtsied several times. 

“There’s no need to call me majesty, not yet anyways. Just call me Fiora.” The woman smiled. 

She was quite breath taking in her silken wedding gown, her hair swept loosely around her perfectly proportional face. 

“Sorry, Fiora...I’m Nora by the way.” Fiora’s smile turned pensive as if her name rung a bell. 

“Are you hiding from the party as well?” Fiora slid down the wall causing her dress to billow out around her beautifully. 

“Yes, partly.” Nora admitted and joined the soon to be queen on the ground. 

“’re not  getting cold feet are you? you’re highnes--I mean Fiora.” 

Fiora shook her head almost sadly “No, my goodness no. I want very much to marry Rafael...” She paused. “I want it more than anything. I..I love him.” The phrase sounded as if it was new to her. 

“Worried about what?...” It felt strange to pry into the queens life...but at the same time she felt so approachable. 

“About what people will say, what if they hate me? What if I’m a horrible queen? What if Rafael--” She swallowed hard and didn’t continue. 

They sat in silence for some time until Nora ventured “...I don’t know much about your relationship but you love him. I take it he loves you?” 

Fiora quickly nodded. 

“Then that’s all you need. If the world hates you and thinks you’re a horrible queen you’ll still have Rafael. And besides I don’t think the world could hate you. You’re very agreeable.” Nora summed up and offered Fiora a wide smile. 

“You are so kind.” Fiora turned towards her matching her wide smile. 

“Fiora.” A deep familiar voice sounded from above them. 

“Oh Erickson!” Fiora took his outstretched hand and righted herself. 

Nora got up ever so slowly keeping her eyes glued to the ground. 

“We’ve been looking for you. The ceremony is about to start.” His voice was so gentle and friendly. 

Nora began to inch away into the hall but suddenly she was crushed in a hug. 

“Thank you.” Fiora shakily said into Nora’s ear. 

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