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"Where are the blueprints?"I screamed on the phone."Sir,they are not finished."The guy on the phone politely said.

"I want it by tomorrow!"I said and hung up the phone.Building a hospital and marriage stuff is stressing me out.

I only agreed to get married is because I am old enough to take my father's place.But I need a queen according to them.

"Sir!King and Queen are calling."Steven a 53 year old man said.Steven is a hard worker just like his family.His grandfather and father worked here and now he is taking their place."I will be there in a minute!"I said.He nodded and left.

After few minutes I walked downstairs.I already know what the conversation is going to be about.I entered the hall where my parents were sitting.

"Yes?"I asked as there both heads snapped up."Have you altered your suit for today's ball?"My father asked.I just hummed in response.

"Rhys This is one of the most important ball in year!Many kingdoms will be attending,Which means there will be many girls coming today.You must find the bride Today."My mother said.

"What?Today!"I almost yelled."I am afraid So.And the marriage will be held next month."She declared.

"I can't believe you!"I huffed and went to my room.They want me to find a Bride by today.How the hell will I be able to do that?

Around 8 Pm I walked out of my room wearing a royal blue suit.I fixed my hair a little bit as I walked downstairs.I reached the grand ball room wear the party was been held.

Many guests already arrived.I searched the crowd for a particular blonde to annoy.I guess she hasn't arrived yet.She get's annoy so easily and might be the only entertainment this night.

I walked towards the bar and ordered a Vodka.I chugged one whole glass until I heard a familiar voice coming from the crowd.I turned around and saw Elyse.She was looking gorgeous wearing a sleeveless emerald green dress.

I noticed a tear roll down her eyes as she talked to her parents.She quickly wiped it away before anyone could notice.What could they possibly have said that made her cry.

"Hey,Dude!"Ezra's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.Ezra is my best friend since 8 grade.We know everything about each other.

"Hey!"I replied and continued drinking my vodka while looking at her."Why are you staring at her?"He asked."I'm not!"I said in my defence.

"Whatever you say!"He said as he turned around on the stool.I sighed and glanced at her again.She was looking down While her father was talking shit to her.I wanted to stop the argument so I stood up and walked towards them.

Before I could reach them,I saw her running away while her father was smiling.I know where she was going!Her favourite place here,Our backyard.What?!We were best friends before So I know somethings about her.

I decided to follow her but before I could take any other step my parents called me.I sighed and walked towards them."Rhys this is Bethany,Daughter of the Pastor."My mother introduced her to me.She was alright but my mind was only on Elyse. "Hey!" She said in a shrill tone and extended her hand."Hi."I shook her hand and glanced at the door again.

I saw her entering with a smile on her face.She is always the one who can pretend everything's fine when it isn't.She went to the bar and ordered something.I excused myself and walked towards the bar.

"A vodka please!"I said to bartender."What are you doing here?"She asked in fake annoyed tone."I am not allowed to have a drink?"I smirked."Whatever!"She muttered.

"So did you find someone?"She asked breaking the silence."No!"

"What about her?"She pointed at the Bethany. "No!She has irritating voice."I said."Seriously?!"She exclaimed and I nodded.

"You really aren't going to find anyone if you reject someone just because of their voice."She laughed.

"Yeah.Yeah."I brushed it off chugging the glass of vodka.She is right though,I won't be able to find someone good.I hate it when she is right!


MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now