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Tim had his gun pointed at me and I had no idea what to do. I took a step forward but then suddenly I heard a voice.

I looked up and saw Elyse standing behind Tim  with a gun pointed on his forehead. "Drop the fucking gun!" She clicked the safety off.

"You don't have guts to do it!" He snarled and she pointed the gun on his foot and shot it. Not on his foot but on the floor.

"See....Now drop the gun!" She snapped. The gun slipped through his fingers.He got down on his knees and started laughing like a maniac.

"Who knew the queen of Aizaica can fight."

"You've no idea what I can do!" She was going to pull the trigger if I wouldn't have stopped her.

"El Stop!Hey this isn't you!"

"Listen to your husband El!" He mocked. She clenched her jaw and I could see anger rising in her veins. I rubbed her palms and handcuffed his hands from  front.  "You think handcuffing me will stop me from ruining your fucking lives. I going to burn her alive and make you watch!" He laughed and I was about to burst and kill him if I wouldn't have control myself. "Or I would carve her organs right in front of you!" And that was it, I couldn't control myself.

I repeatedly punched him until his whole face was bloody. "This won't end here Rhys." He spat some blood and continued," My brothers will find you."

I walked away to El. I was facing her but her eyes was trained on Tim. Suddenly she gasped in horror and as soon as I turned around,I saw Tim had a pocket knife stick to his throat. I ran towards him but I was to late. He slit his throat and bleed to death.

El was shocked and trembling. I calmed her down and took her out of room. She wrapped her arms around me and I kissed her forehead.

"W....Why would he do that?" She stuttered. "I don't know." I answered honestly. "Come on, let's get you home." I rubbed her back and she nodded.

We were at home and in our room in an hour. She took a long bath and immediately went to sleep. I couldn't sleep. My mind was clouded with all those thoughts about Tim killing himself and what he sad about his brothers. How many brothers does he have?

I took a notepad and started random doodling which helps me ease my mind. 2 hours passed since the accident and I still had no idea what to do when all of sudden there was a loud noise. It felt like it was a blast because I felt a sudden tremor.

"Rhys what's happening?" She almost screamed. "Hey it's fine! Come with me." I think it's better not to leave her because if something happened to her-

We ran downstairs and met my parent's in the hallway. "What's going on?" My mother screamed.

"It's Tim!" I declared. "Wait !How? He is dead!" My father exclaimed. "His brothers." I said calmly but I wanted to hit somebody. "They are after El and me because we killed his brother." I explained. There was another loud noise with a worst tremor this time. I asked Mom, dad and El to go downstairs in basement. After I was sure they were safe I ran outside where I met Ezra.

"They are after you both Rhys but the deal Elyse's father made with Tim is..... His brothers wants to kill her." He stammered. "3 Brothers and all of them have huge army same like Tim. You can't protect yourself and El this time."

"What do you want me to do! Send her away?!" I saw few guards running here and there. "Maybe! All three of them have their eyes on her. One chance and they will strike."

"Then let's not give them a chance. I can't send her away! I can't." I  croaked.

"It's your decision. But it will be safe for her and you know that!" I know what he was telling is true but I can't stay away from her. Because of me she is in danger and I don't know how to get her out of that.

"Okay! Y..yeah." I was full of emotions right now. "I will arrange a car and you are gonna go and tell her." I took a moment to build up my courage then went downstairs to take her.

We walked upstairs in silence. I was playing in my mind how to tell her but nothing was coming through my mind.

"El ,you have to leave!" Seriously I have no idea what am I doing.

"What are you talking about?"

"El it's not safe here. You have to leave this town! Just until everything is back to normal. Please El I can't lose you."

"I am not leaving." She angrily groaned. "El please! I love you and that's the only way to protect you."

"But why?" She cried. I wiped tears from her face and kissed her. 

"Please!" I begged.

"I hate you."

"I know, I hate myself too. But I promise I will bring you back."

"So no contact, and you won't know where I will be?"  I nodded. This is going to be hard for me as much as it is going to be on her but there is no other way.

"You promise I will be back soon?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you."

"I love you too." She pecked my lips.

She packed all the necessary items and we rush outside. "I don't wanna go." She said trying not to break in tears.

"I'll miss you." I said. She climbed onto the backseat and then we shared a kissed. She left immediately and I was alone.

I don't know what comes next but I know for sure is that I am gonna bring her back soon.




This Is the end of first part.

Thank you guys for showing support. I hope you guys like the sequel too.

MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now