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"Ezra asked you out?When?Where?How?"I jumped up and down on the bed at Aria's home."Stop asking so many questions!It's 9 in morning."She groaned.

"He asked me out yesterday at coffee shop where we ran into each other."She explained."Did you said yes?"I asked.This girl has been irritating me over Ezra for years.I have know for two years that they like each other but none of them dare make the first move.

"Of course I said yes but I don't know about this.What if our date go horribly wrong and he end up hating me."She said.

"You are just going for a date,Not marrying the guy.You know what you need coffee to think straight."I pointed out."Think what straight?"She shuffled under her sheets.

"That the date would go perfectly fine because you both are perfect with each other.And I don't want you irritating me over Ezra again."I said with a hint of humour in the last sentence.She chuckled and gave me a small hug.

"I will be waiting outside and we are going for coffee."I declared and headed out of her room.


We finally arrived at the coffee shop where Rhys and I fought.Ya!That was pretty rough.We went inside hoping to find a nice seat in corner and luckily we found one.

"Tell me what you want,I will order it and join you."I said to Aria."I will have Cappuccino and blueberry muffin."She said and went towards the seat.

I stood in line for 5 minutes until my turn came.I began searching for my credit card when a voice made me snap my head up. "Hey."The cute waiter from that day.

"Oh!Hi!"I said with a smile."How are you?That day it look pretty intense between you two."He said."That was nothing."I brushed it off.

"So what would you like?"He asked typing on computer."Ah...I will have cappuccino, Blueberry muffin and Iced caffe latte.Thank you Cade"I said glancing at his name tag.I handed him my credit card and gave him a small smile.

"Your order will soon be ready.Elyse." He emphasised my name which I guess he got from my credit card.

"Would you guys just do it later!"I looked behind me and Saw Rhys standing with an arm around a beautiful brunette girl.I felt a pang of jealousy hit me but I didn't let it show.

"Bye cade."I rushed towards my seat and slid opposite to Aria."What happened to you?"She asked."Rhys."

"As usual.I still don't believe you guys are getting married.Why would you even agree?"She groaned.

"I told you I didn't had a choice."I huffed.And to worsen this situation more Rhys and the girl sat right in the front table from us.

"Wait!He is here with a girl."She whispered which I barely heard.I nodded."I am going to kill him."

"Actually I kinda told him."I mumbled."Why?"

"You know about our fight.Right?That day I was flirting with a waiter over there."I pointed towards the counter Where cade was working. "To annoy Rhys.He got angry and then I got angry because he was telling me what I can do and Can't So I told him he can Date,Flirt or fuck anyone he want cause I don't care."I explained.

"And I seriously don't care."That's a lie.I do care but never let it show.

"Here's your order."Cade placed all our orders on our table."Thank you."I gave him a smile."So uh..I wanted to ask you on a that if you would like to go on a date with me?"He asked.Before I could answer Aria spoke for me.

"She would love to.But you should know this that she is getting married to the prince two weeks later."Ahh this girl.

"I'm sorry."He said and rushed far away from our table."Aria what if I did want to go out with him?!"I groaned.

"Shh..Look at Rhys."She whispered.I looked at Rhys and he was shifting uncomfortable on seat and his eyes were gazing me while the brunette was blabbering about something.He had an annoyed and angry expression.He sucked in a breath and stood up.

"Where are you going?"The brunette ask."Far away from you.Don't contact me again Kayla."He declared."It's Layla!"She shrieked.

"Whatever."He said and walked towards the exit."Go!Sort things out.I know neither of you like being mad at each other even though you both keep fighting."Aria said.I nodded and ran behind him.

This is gonna be a hell of a drama!


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