Chapter 34

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I am so paranoid nowadays that I carry my gun everywhere I go. But I'm too afraid to use it.Every time I open my bag or purse and see it I just have one question 'What if I killed someone with this?'

I shook all my thoughts and entered my store.I've missed this place so much. My whole day went by just restocking all the new stuff that has arrived and calling my customers that my shop is finally reopened.

I could see the shadow of Shawn, my bodyguard moving outside the door. As the time passed I knew no one was going to come today. I walked outside after closing the shop. I couldn't find Shawn anywhere. I Looked in Alley, shops and even tried calling him but he didn't answer.

I keep searching until my new driver arrived. I climbed onto the backseat and ask the driver about Shawn. I even tried to look at his face but he was wearing a cap and his head was facing downwards. He told me in his heavy voice that he was asked by Rhys.

But it didn't made any sense why would Rhys need my bodyguard when he had thousands of guard under his control. I slid my hand through my purse and rest my thumb on the trigger. I was getting a feeling that I was in danger. The driver made a soft smile. I just want to get home safely.

I could feel like the driver was staring at me through mirror. I looked outside the window and realised that the road he was driving was no way near the castle.

I quickly took out the gun and pointed on his head. "Where are we going?!" I exclaimed.

"Castle ma'am!" He exclaimed but no fear showed in his eyes or voice. "This isn't the way!" I cried.

He smirked and stopped the car. Suddenly the door opened and two hands snatched me out of the car. They both had same tattoos on their arms. It wan only for a moment I could see their faces but then they put a blindfold on. I could feel my body dragged and thrown into a car.

The start of car engine rang through my ears as it started to took place. I knew screaming wouldn't help because the road they were on is deadly silent all times. Hardly any car pass through.

I could hear faint whispering of those two men. I bit my lips to hold back the tears because I couldn't give in to fear again. The car stopped after 30 minutes and those two arms pulled me out of the car.

They tied me to a chair and covered my mouth with a cloth. Few minutes passed and a voice spoke, "Good to see you again Elyse!"

Tim caressed my cheeks and my neck. A tear rolled down my eyes as his hands touched my skin. "I can see Why Prince loves you so much." He inhaled. The breathing behind me faded and the only presence I could feel of was Tim's.

I Could here him pour a glass of whiskey because it's smell filled my lungs. He walked towards me and I swear I could feel his face inches away from mine. "You have no idea how good of a deal you are." He breathed on my neck and the next thing I knew was his lips on my skin. I kicked him on his leg and he fell back ."You're gonna pay for this Bitch!" He snarled and hit me on my face.

"Now we don't want that pretty face to be ruined so I'm going to go soft but don't cross me again Bitch." He slapped my face and I think left after that.

I just wish there was something I could do to notify Rhys but nothing was crossing my mind. And then suddenly A idea hit me. My necklace that Rhys gave me is some kind of GPS

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