chapter 16

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I am such a screw up. This was the only thought that ran through my head the rest of night. Next morning I went early to work because I don't want another awkward conversation with her. I know that I had to face her after work but till then I can try and focus on work.

My phone started ringing and I checked the caller ID it was Ezra. I picked up the phone. "I spotted Tim's man behind Elyse's  shop. come fast."He hurriedly explained and ended the call. I immediately took my gun and started my car.

I was driving at enough speed that in few minutes I was outside Elyse's shop. I just watched her through car mesmerized by her work. She is so focused about her work. A boy in his teenage years walked into the store. She greeted him with a smile as she showed him to basketball section.

I parked my car where it will be well hidden. I spotted Ezra lurking in Alley. I walked towards him. "Hey!" I simply nodded.

I saw two man doing drugs and getting high. "Before you came, They were talking about something Important. It was hard to hear them because they were whispering but the look on their face was intense." He said.

"Why are they meeting here then?" I asked. "I don't know. Maybe Tim has something planned for Elyse." I was horror struck. My face became pale and my jaw clenched.

"What should I do then?I just can't keep her away from her work,She will hate me more!"

"Then maybe talk to her about this."

"will see!" I groaned.

I went home after few hours.And I soon fell asleep while reading a book.


My head was unable to focus. Smoke, blood everywhere. My everything was hurting. Nothing was making sense until my eyes land on the driver. It was really hard to move. It was like every movement end up in pain.

Suddenly two men arrive and were standing beside the crashed car we were stuck in. I wasn't able to see their faces but I knew because of them we were in this position.One of the took out the gun and shot the driver in front of me. I was so horrified that no words came out of my mouth to scream. The guy pointed his gun towards me through the broken window glass. His hand was resting on trigger and he was about to shoot when two gunshots fired and those both men were on ground.

I screamed in horror until I heard someone shouting my name. "Rhys!Rhys!"

My eyes shot open. My breathing was uneven and I was sweating like crazy.I felt someone's hand on my neck.It was soft and it's grip was comforting.

"Hey!Hey! Shhh..... It's okay."Elyse's voice slowly brought me back to reality.Her hands were resting on both sides of my neck. Her eyes showed concern.

"Wh...what happened?"I stuttered. "I got home an hour ago.I was scrolling through my phone.When suddenly I heard you chant for help and you were sweating.I tried to wake you up but you weren't bulging.I started shaking you and then you started shouting. I got scared because I knew how your nightmares can get worse. So I tried comforting you in your sleep."

"Thank you!"I pulled her into a warm hug.She wrapped her arms around me and I buried my head into crook of her neck.I can stay like this forever but unfortunately she pulled away.

She casually got of the bed and walked towards the bathroom.She didn't shut the door because she was just washing her face. I made my way towards the bathroom and watch her work through the mirror.She rinsed her face and dried it with towel.Her eyes landed on me but she didn't say anything.We watched each other through mirror.

She turned around and stare straight in my eyes."" before I could say anything her lips were on mine.It didn't even took me a second to respond and kiss her back.I lift her up and place her on the counter without breaking the kiss.Not gonna lie my whole body was on fire.I have never felt something like that in a kiss before.I was loving this new feeling.

Our lips moved in perfect Rhythm.she broke kiss for a second to breath but then her lips were on mine again.I slowly moved my lips to her neck slowly kissing all the way down.Before I could move further she slightly pushed me away.

I took a hint and step back. "El,I am sorry!"Realisation hit me and I realised my mistake."Hey!I kissed you!"She told me but I know she regretted every moment. I am sure as hell don't.

"Let's go and eat dinner!" She hopped from the counter and patted my shoulder.She disappeared out of the room.I messed up again.She will hate me more.I groaned and made my way towards the dining room.

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