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We were still at the ball.I just want to get out of here and snuggle into my bed.It's been only 2 hours and I'm bored as hell because my best friend,Aria couldn't make it.

My eyes were roaming around the crowd until they met with Jason.He is prince of Queldon kingdom and apparently he has crush on me.He smiled at me and made his way towards where I was sitting.

I don't want this right now.He constantly keep asking me out but I always deny.This guy doesn't get a hint that I am not interested."Hey!"

"Hi!"I replied."How are you doing?"He started to make a conversation."Fine."I internally groaned but gave him a fake smile smile from outside.

"Jason!"A shrill voice called from the crowd."Coming Bethany!"He groaned.So Rhys was right the girl has an irritating voice."See you later!"He said and walked away."I hope not!"I muttered not loud enough for him to hear it.

I heard a glass breaking beside me.I turned around to see that bartender accidentally drop a glass on my side."I-Im s-sorry!"He looked scared.Poor guy!

"No worries!I will help you."I said and get down on my knees."Miss.I can-"I cut him off."It's alright!"I said as I picked glass carefully not to cut myself.

"Elyse!"My father whisper yelled coming beside me.I stood up not to make a scene.A piece of glass still clutched in my hand.He grabbed my free hand and made me follow him outside the ballroom.My mother joined us few seconds later.

"We have decided that we are marrying you off."Suddenly my whole world was spinning."Start finding a boy in crowd or we will choose for you.And stop embarrassing us.Your clumsiness will get us kicked out."My father said sternly.They kept talking but their voices became faint.

I clutched the glass tighter in my palms as the glass cut through my skin.Few seconds later I felt something wet .I didn't look down because I know It was my blood.

They left few seconds later.I stood their shaking not feeling any pain in my hands.The glass made it's way more inside my skin.Their words were on repeat in my mind.

I hate them!I am their daughter.Only Fucking child! How can they treat their only child like a shit?What have I done so bad that they hate me?

"Elyse!"Someone voice snapped me out of my thoughts.I turned around and saw Rhys running towards me.I looked down and saw pool of blood just below my arms.I was still shaking.My arms went numb!No feeling of pain!

"Elyse,look at me!"Rhys diverted my attention from my hands to him."What happened?"He questioned."Nothing!"I casually answered returning back to reality.


"I said I'm fine!"I snapped and made my way towards the ladies washroom."At least let me help you!"He said catching up to me."Nah!I'm fine.It's just a little blood."I said.He grabbed my arm and made me look him.

He looked at my hands and gave me a concern look.I have never seen him shown concern towards anything."Please!"He practically begged me.I nodded and he took me upstairs.

"Where are we going?"I asked as I followed him."My room!I have first-aid there."He answered.In few minutes we reached his room.

I have been here before.It's a huge room with a king size bed in middle.It has a balcony and few windows arranged in proper manner.The walls are painted black and some photo frames were hung on them.It also has a huge bookshelves and a large dressing room just beside the washroom.

He pulled me towards the bathroom and made me sit on counter so he can properly work on my hand.He made me open my fist that's when I realised The glass was still in my hand.He removed the glass from my hand and threw it into dustbin.

"What the Fuck,Elyse!"He said as he saw a big cut on my hand from which blood was flowing."This must hurt!"He said as he put the dipped cotton on my wound.I hissed in pain.

After cleaning the wound he bandaged it properly."Why are you being nice?"I asked arching my eyebrows."I saw and acted on instinct!"He casually answered."I still Hate you!"I pointed out as I hoped down the counter."I hate you too!"He replied with a fake smile.

We walked downstairs in silence.I still can't believe he did that.I never thought he is capable of acting nice.Don't get any wrong ideas!I still hate him!But just a little less.The hatred of 7 years of bullying can't be gone by just doing one nice thing.

We reached the ballroom and saw our parents talking and laughing.We made our way towards them."Elyse!Rhys!They both are here together!Should we tell them?"Mrs and Mrs Archer in excitement.He nodded.

"You guys will be marrying each other."She squealed in excitement.

MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now